jupyterlab / jupyterlab

JupyterLab computational environment.
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4.0.0 breaks Grammarly support #14525

Open mattharrison opened 1 year ago

mattharrison commented 1 year ago


Grammarly worked in the 4.0 betas but now it doesn't.


If you have Grammarly and the extension, it no longer works with Jupyter lab.

Expected behavior

The biggest motivator for me to use Lab vs Notebook was that Grammarly was working in the betas.


Troubleshoot Output

    3.10.11 (main, Apr  7 2023, 07:24:47) [Clang 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)]


which -a jupyter:

pip list:
    Package                  Version
    ------------------------ ---------
    anyio                    3.6.2
    appnope                  0.1.3
    argon2-cffi              21.3.0
    argon2-cffi-bindings     21.2.0
    arrow                    1.2.3
    asttokens                2.2.1
    async-lru                2.0.2
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    Babel                    2.12.1
    backcall                 0.2.0
    beautifulsoup4           4.12.1
    bleach                   6.0.0
    blis                     0.7.9
    catalogue                2.0.8
    certifi                  2022.12.7
    cffi                     1.15.1
    charset-normalizer       3.1.0
    click                    8.1.3
    cloudpickle              2.2.1
    comm                     0.1.3
    confection               0.0.4
    contourpy                1.0.7
    cycler                   0.11.0
    cymem                    2.0.7
    debugpy                  1.6.7
    decorator                5.1.1
    defusedxml               0.7.1
    en-core-web-sm           3.5.0
    et-xmlfile               1.1.0
    exceptiongroup           1.1.1
    executing                1.2.0
    fastjsonschema           2.16.3
    fonttools                4.39.3
    fqdn                     1.5.1
    future                   0.18.3
    hyperopt                 0.2.7
    idna                     3.4
    iniconfig                2.0.0
    ipykernel                6.22.0
    ipytest                  0.13.1
    ipython                  8.12.0
    ipython-genutils         0.2.0
    isoduration              20.11.0
    jedi                     0.18.2
    Jinja2                   3.1.2
    joblib                   1.2.0
    json5                    0.9.11
    jsonpointer              2.3
    jsonschema               4.17.3
    jupyter_client           8.1.0
    jupyter_core             5.3.0
    jupyter-events           0.6.3
    jupyter-lsp              2.1.0
    jupyter_server           2.5.0
    jupyter_server_terminals 0.4.4
    jupyterlab               4.0.0rc1
    jupyterlab-pygments      0.2.2
    jupyterlab_server        2.22.1
    jupytext                 1.14.5
    kiwisolver               1.4.4
    langcodes                3.3.0
    markdown-it-py           2.2.0
    MarkupSafe               2.1.2
    matplotlib               3.7.1
    matplotlib-inline        0.1.6
    mdit-py-plugins          0.3.5
    mdurl                    0.1.2
    mistune                  2.0.5
    murmurhash               1.0.9
    nbclassic                0.5.5
    nbclient                 0.7.3
    nbconvert                7.3.0
    nbformat                 5.8.0
    nest-asyncio             1.5.6
    networkx                 3.1
    notebook                 6.5.4
    notebook_shim            0.2.2
    numpy                    1.24.2
    openpyxl                 3.1.2
    packaging                23.0
    pandas                   2.0.1
    pandocfilters            1.5.0
    parso                    0.8.3
    pathy                    0.10.1
    pexpect                  4.8.0
    pickleshare              0.7.5
    Pillow                   9.5.0
    pip                      23.1.2
    platformdirs             3.2.0
    pluggy                   1.0.0
    polars                   0.17.5
    preshed                  3.0.8
    prometheus-client        0.16.0
    prompt-toolkit           3.0.38
    psutil                   5.9.4
    ptyprocess               0.7.0
    pure-eval                0.2.2
    pyarrow                  11.0.0
    pycparser                2.21
    pydantic                 1.10.7
    Pygments                 2.14.0
    pyparsing                3.0.9
    pyrsistent               0.19.3
    pytest                   7.3.1
    python-dateutil          2.8.2
    python-json-logger       2.0.7
    pytz                     2023.3
    PyYAML                   6.0
    pyzmq                    25.0.2
    requests                 2.28.2
    rfc3339-validator        0.1.4
    rfc3986-validator        0.1.1
    scikit-learn             1.2.2
    scipy                    1.10.1
    Send2Trash               1.8.0
    setuptools               67.2.0
    six                      1.16.0
    smart-open               6.3.0
    sniffio                  1.3.0
    soupsieve                2.4
    spacy                    3.5.1
    spacy-legacy             3.0.12
    spacy-loggers            1.0.4
    SQLAlchemy               2.0.9
    srsly                    2.4.6
    stack-data               0.6.2
    terminado                0.17.1
    thinc                    8.1.9
    threadpoolctl            3.1.0
    tinycss2                 1.2.1
    toml                     0.10.2
    tomli                    2.0.1
    tornado                  6.2
    tqdm                     4.65.0
    traitlets                5.9.0
    typer                    0.7.0
    typing_extensions        4.5.0
    tzdata                   2023.3
    uri-template             1.2.0
    urllib3                  1.26.15
    wasabi                   1.1.1
    wcwidth                  0.2.6
    webcolors                1.13
    webencodings             0.5.1
    websocket-client         1.5.1
    xgboost                  1.7.5

welcome[bot] commented 1 year ago

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krassowski commented 1 year ago

Can you easily try 4.0.0rc0 to narrow down when the change happened?

mattharrison commented 1 year ago

I reverted back to beta2 and it works. Will try rc0.

On Thu, May 11, 2023, 4:51 PM Michał Krassowski @.***> wrote:

Can you easily try 4.0.0rc0 to narrow down when the change happened?

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mattharrison commented 1 year ago

rc0 works with Grammarly

JasonWeill commented 1 year ago

4.0.0rc1 was released yesterday as JupyterLab 4.0.0, so I retitled this issue.