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Unable to use ui.Chart.image.series() in jupyter lab #16232

Closed elysiaforme closed 1 week ago

elysiaforme commented 2 weeks ago


A mistake occured when extracting NDVI and plotting trendlines with Sentinel 2, running S2_chart = ui.Chart.image.series() gives an error saying ui. is not defined. I'm using Windows, Python 3.12.3, ipygee-Version: 0.0.18, geetools-Version: 1.3.0, jupyeter lab extension manager is also active, lab-version3.0 and note book-version6.5.4. version6.5.4

Here is the mistake report: 2

Here is the entire codes:

import ee import geemap geemap.set_proxy(port='my port') Map = geemap.Map(basemap = 'Esri.WorldImagery') shp_path = r'E:\postgraduate study\GIS文件\祁阳市.shp' shp_fc = geemap.shp_to_ee(shp_path)

geometry = shp_fc Map.centerObject(geometry, 9)

colorizedVis = { 'min': -0.8, 'max': 0.8, 'palette': ['blue', 'white', 'green'] }

def maskS2clouds(image): qa = image.select('QA60')

Bits 10 and 11 are clouds and cirrus, respectively.

cloudBitMask = 1 << 10
cirrusBitMask = 1 << 11
# Both flags should be set to zero, indicating clear conditions.
mask = qa.bitwiseAnd(cloudBitMask).eq(0).And(qa.bitwiseAnd(cirrusBitMask).eq(0))
return image.updateMask(mask).divide(10000).set(image.toDictionary(image.propertyNames()))

def createNDVI(image): ndvi = image.normalizedDifference(["B8", "B4"]).rename('NDVI') return image.addBands(ndvi)

S2_COL = ee.ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2") \ .filterDate("2021-01-01", "2021-12-31") \ .filter(ee.Filter.lt('CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE', 20)) \ .filterBounds(geometry) \ .map(maskS2clouds) \ .map(createNDVI) \ .select('NDVI')

The mistake occured here:

S2_chart = ui.Chart.image.series({ 'imageCollection': S2_COL.select('NDVI'), 'region': geometry, 'reducer': ee.Reducer.mean(), 'scale': 500 }).setOptions({ 'interpolateNulls': True, 'lineWidth': 2, 'title': 'NDVI Time Series', 'vAxis': {'title': 'NDVI'}, 'hAxis': {'title': 'Date'}, 'trendlines': {0: {'title': 'NDVI_trend', 'type': 'linear', 'showR2': True, 'color': 'red', 'visibleInLegend': True}} }) print(S2_chart)

Thanks for your attention very much!

welcome[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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JasonWeill commented 1 week ago

Hi @elysiaforme , thanks for your contribution! Your code refers to a name ui, but you haven't imported or declared anything by that name. I'm not familiar with NDVI or Sentinel 2. Because this is not an issue with JupyterLab, I'm closing this issue. If you were following guidance about setting up Sentinel 2, I recommend following up in a community that is more familiar with that code.