jupyterlab / lumino

Lumino is a library for building interactive web applications
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Fix dblclick events with Drag.overrideCursor active (#547) #564

Closed jjrv closed 1 year ago

jjrv commented 1 year ago

The .lm-cursor-backdrop div introduced in #502 was preventing dblclick events from reaching datagrid, breaking cell edit functionality.

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jjrv commented 1 year ago

Ping @krassowski I don't think making the backdrop div transparent to pointer events would interfere with the performance reasons for which it was created?

krassowski commented 1 year ago

This is not immediately clear to me and will require manual benchmarking

jjrv commented 1 year ago

@krassowski Hmm! This sounds strange but I tested the Lumino datagrid example with only grid6 (the editable one) and 100000 divs and spans added to the document. Clicks on the datagrid are equally slow regardless of whether this fix is present or not.

However if I do this:

.lm-cursor-backdrop {

All the clicks are handled instantly and also bug #547 is fixed. Opening and closing the cell editor a few times crashes the browser tab though, but that sounds like a different issue (it does that regardless of the styles I apply to .lm-cursor-backdrop).

jjrv commented 1 year ago

Here's a Gist to test it: https://gist.github.com/jjrv/0be6215e0be34b6da1a998917bbaf518

Run npm install && npm start to test.

Uncomment display: none or comment pointer-events: none in index.html to compare.

krassowski commented 1 year ago

Great to hear! We ideally want to keep the cursor override but of course we can adjust the implementation. I am away from keyboard right now so cannot test but what I am worried about is whether cursor override works when pointer-events: none is set. The alternative solution would be to add event listener on the backdrop div and pass the click events down transparently.

jjrv commented 1 year ago

OK ignore that benchmark, the performance issues were because I added the test divs directly under body and the backdrop caused a layout slowdown when added as their sibling. That's an unrealistic situation in practice.

Also, the pointer-events: none does break the override. Back to the drawing board...

jjrv commented 1 year ago

New attempt! The prior functionality was already that the backdrop div is only correctly placed after the mouse moves with the button pressed:

      document.addEventListener('pointermove', alignBackdrop, {
        capture: true,
        passive: true

So before that pointermove event, we might as well hide the div. Then double click events to the underlying element still get detected, and datagrid editing is fixed.

vthemelis commented 1 year ago

Hi @krassowski and @jjrv,

Would it be possible to merge this now? It would be great if I could get the edit functionality to work robustly.

welcome[bot] commented 1 year ago

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