jupyterlab / lumino

Lumino is a library for building interactive web applications
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Use Actual Return character for Mac shortcuts. #592

Closed Carreau closed 1 year ago

Carreau commented 1 year ago

The current character is "Leftwards Arrow with Hook" U+21A9 https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+21A9 from the "Arrows" block which often is rendered as colored emoji (CF code where U+FE0F Variation Selector-16) was added.

Replace with "Return Symbol" U+23CE from the "Miscellaneous Technical", which is more consistent as many of the other characters in this list are also from the "Miscellaneous Technical" section (Backspace, Alt, Shift..)

This should not need the Variation Selector and will have a similar look to Shift/Maj... in most fonts.

welcome[bot] commented 1 year ago

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Carreau commented 1 year ago

@JasonWeill You were the one who added the Variation Selector 16 recently, maybe you will like this change :-)

Carreau commented 1 year ago

Nice work!

I wouldn't have though of the VS16 ! But I guess we are both triggered by emojis in menus :-)

welcome[bot] commented 1 year ago

Congrats on your first merged pull request in this project! :tada: congrats Thank you for contributing, we are very proud of you! :heart: