jupyterlab / lumino

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Accept individual modifier keys as valid keybindings #637

Closed g547315 closed 2 months ago

g547315 commented 9 months ago



Tests have been changed to reflect the new functionality of mod keys. As mod keys now have additional functionality, pressing a mod key will break the sequence when entering a key sequence i.e. [Shift K, Shift L]. The test 'should ignore modifier keys pressed in the middle of key sequence' has been changed to reflect this. A similar change has been made to 'should process key sequences that use different modifier keys' to remove unnecessary keystrokes.

'should return nothing for keys that are marked as modifier in keyboard layout' has been modified as mod keys now return keyboard events.

To see the full interned functionality please combine this PR with:


g547315 commented 9 months ago

@krassowski @tonyfast @brichet

tonyfast commented 9 months ago

should these modify combinations be configurable?

g547315 commented 8 months ago

should these modify combinations be configurable?

could you elaborate please @tonyfast

tonyfast commented 8 months ago

should these modify combinations be configurable?

modifier keys for assistive technology vary with locale, operating system, and vendor. there might be edge cases where this specific modifier combination is challenge for certain users. the most assistive solution would allow for configurable modifier key codes with Alt + Shift as the default.

g547315 commented 8 months ago

should these modify combinations be configurable?

modifier keys for assistive technology vary with locale, operating system, and vendor. there might be edge cases where this specific modifier combination is challenge for certain users. the most assistive solution would allow for configurable modifier key codes with Alt + Shift as the default.

The combinations are configurable by the user through settings

g547315 commented 8 months ago

@brichet please re-review with the added changes and updated PR description

g547315 commented 7 months ago

Thanks for working on this @g547315.

I have some comments below.

Would it be possible to wait for a delay before returning the modifier keys combination (when there are only modifier keys pressed) ? That could avoid triggering the event linked to that modifier key, while only using the modifier in a shortcut.

This is now done @brichet

brichet commented 7 months ago

I'll take a look at it in the week. At first glance, I think we should add a delay when there are only mod key. Otherwise, the related action will be triggered every time we want to do a shortcut using mod keys.

EDIT: Sorry, I missed your previous comment, but I couldn't find anything that would allow a delay...

g547315 commented 7 months ago

Thanks @g547315 I don't really understand where a delay has been added for modifier keys only...

Is Jupyterlab working with this modification included ? On my side I'm not able to write in a cell for example.

Cell issue should now be fixed.

In terms of how the mod keys are delayed:

Here we don't want to fire the exact matches that are triggered by only modifier key(s)

    // If there is an exact match but no partial match, the exact match
    // can be dispatched immediately. The pending state is cleared so
    // the next key press starts from the default state.
    if (
      exact &&
      !partial &&
        exact.keys.toString() === 'Alt' ||
        exact.keys.toString() === 'Ctrl' ||
        exact.keys.toString() === 'Shift' ||
        exact.keys.toString() === 'Alt Shift'
    ) {

The exact match is then stored for future dispatch (delayed)

// If there is both an exact match and a partial match, the exact
    // match is stored for future dispatch in case the timer expires
    // before a more specific match is triggered.
    // which is the case fro 'Alt' and 'Alt Shift'.
    if (exact) {
      this._exactKeyMatch = exact;

    // Store the event for possible playback in the future.

A timer that counts down for 1000 milliseconds (1 second) is started. This timer can be stopped by other exact or partial matches within the 1000 milliseconds.

    // (Re)start the timer to dispatch the most recent exact match
    // in case the partial match fails to result in an exact match.

   * Start or restart the pending timeout.
  private _startTimer(): void {
    this._timerID = window.setTimeout(() => {
    }, Private.CHORD_TIMEOUT);
brichet commented 7 months ago

In terms of how the mod keys are delayed:

thanks for the explanation

brichet commented 7 months ago

In terms of how the mod keys are delayed:

Thinking again about it, I don't think the delay should use the partial/exact mechanism. I think that we can assume that the "mod keys only" will never be used for regular shortcuts, but only to display helpers. In my mind, the related command should be triggered if the key(s) is(are) held for some delay only. The way it is implemented now, if you press and release the 'Alt' key, the overlay will be displayed after one second, which would be a strange behavior in my opinion.

The timer should probably be dedicated to this feature, and deleted on key up, if the key(s) is(are) not held. This way, the "mod keys only" would not be added to _keydownEvents, and it would fix the sequences with combinations (see https://github.com/jupyterlab/lumino/pull/637#discussion_r1392881819).

g547315 commented 6 months ago

In terms of how the mod keys are delayed:

Thinking again about it, I don't think the delay should use the partial/exact mechanism. I think that we can assume that the "mod keys only" will never be used for regular shortcuts, but only to display helpers. In my mind, the related command should be triggered if the key(s) is(are) held for some delay only. The way it is implemented now, if you press and release the 'Alt' key, the overlay will be displayed after one second, which would be a strange behavior in my opinion.

The timer should probably be dedicated to this feature, and deleted on key up, if the key(s) is(are) not held. This way, the "mod keys only" would not be added to _keydownEvents, and it would fix the sequences with combinations (see #637 (comment)).

Thanks for the review the suggested changes have now been implemented can you please re-review

g547315 commented 6 months ago

Context for this PR came about with a suggestion made here, it suggests mirroring Slack's functionality using a combination of modifier keys and numbers E.g:

However, without a clear understanding of the underlying processing and management of chords it is proving difficult to replicate

Upon implementing the proposed changes in two different ways (modifier keys being delayed and held down), I discovered that the test, 'should ignore modifier keys pressed in the middle of key sequence,' is still failing. This test relies on the application returning an empty string or doing nothing when a modifier key is encountered by its self.

To resolve this issue, we can modify the test or overhaul the chord processing logic. Without these modifications, it seems impossible to maintain the current chord implementation, pass the test, and execute bindings that are only modifier keys.

A final possibility is using a combination of modifier keys, characters and numbers E.g:

This allows for the current implementation of returning an empty string or doing nothing when a modifier key is encountered by its self to persist and resolve the failing test 

Open to any other suggestions that would progress this issue @brichet @krassowski

brichet commented 6 months ago

@g547315 thanks again for working on this, adding this feature without breaking anything is not easy.

I opened https://github.com/g547315/lumino/pull/1 on your branch. It is based on what you've done with the timer, I mostly moved some calls to avoid breaking sequences.

krassowski commented 6 months ago

The failure is relevant:

Run for file in review/api/application.api.md review/api/commands.api.md; do

Needs running yarn run api and committing changes

g547315 commented 6 months ago

@brichet Thanks for the second pair of eyes and the contributions to the PR. Having tested the code change via my dev environment and this binder link Link (Please click the launch binder button) I can't seem to consistently see the intended functionality.

Mod keys bindings are being detected and matched, however they are not executed consistently or at all

brichet commented 6 months ago

@brichet Thanks for the second pair of eyes and the contributions to the PR. Having tested the code change via my dev environment and this binder link Link (Please click the launch binder button) I can't seem to consistently see the intended functionality.

Mod keys bindings are being detected and matched, however they are not executed consistently or at all

  • Please note the binder instance has styled overlay UI element that should be displayed when Mod keys bindings are executed

This is nice for testing @g547315.

It works well on my side, when holding the key for 1s (it currently uses the CHORD_TIMEOUT variable).

Peek 2023-12-14 18-56

Let's create a new variable with a shorter delay for this feature.

g547315 commented 6 months ago

@brichet Thanks for the second pair of eyes and the contributions to the PR. Having tested the code change via my dev environment and this binder link Link (Please click the launch binder button) I can't seem to consistently see the intended functionality. Mod keys bindings are being detected and matched, however they are not executed consistently or at all

  • Please note the binder instance has styled overlay UI element that should be displayed when Mod keys bindings are executed

This is nice for testing @g547315.

It works well on my side, when holding the key for 1s (it currently uses the CHORD_TIMEOUT variable).

Peek 2023-12-14 18-56 Peek 2023-12-14 18-56

Let's create a new variable with a shorter delay for this feature.

New variable added and set to 500ms

g547315 commented 3 months ago

This pull request should to be ready for merging. However, I am unable to continue working on it after March 28, 2024. If further refinements are identified, I welcome any future contributors to pick up and progress the work

brichet commented 3 months ago

Thanks again @g547315 for working on this.

Since I worked on it, it would be nice to have another opinion before merging. @krassowski do you think we can merge this PR ?