jupyterlab / lumino

Lumino is a library for building interactive web applications
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:hammer: make title/tabbar's close icon/class customable. #669

Closed novrain closed 1 month ago

novrain commented 5 months ago

The lumino default theme require font-awsome, but in some project, such as Vue project, they donot use it. Then the close icon will not show correctly. Import font-awsome to make the SINGLE icon show correctly does't make sences.


novrain commented 5 months ago

anything that I can do to make this request be accepted?

@fcollonval, could you please help me?

krassowski commented 5 months ago

Could you instead override renderCloseIcon in a subclass? This way we would not need to extend the API. This is what JupyterLab does here.

novrain commented 4 months ago

Could you instead override renderCloseIcon in a subclass? This way we would not need to extend the API. This is what JupyterLab does here.

Thank you! That's a great option. I will try it.

fcollonval commented 1 month ago

Hey @novrain I'm closing this as answered with alternative. Let me know if you still need some changes for your use case.