jupyterlab / lumino

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SplitPanel has 0 width and height #675

Open pplonski opened 10 months ago

pplonski commented 10 months ago

I'm trying to use SplitPanel in a widget that is used in Jupyter Lab extension. I'm able to add SplitPanel and it is displayed in the html source but it has width and height 0.

Below is the class that I'm displaying:

export class PPPanel extends Panel {
  constructor(options: PPPanel.IOptions) {

    this.node.dataset['jpUndoer'] = 'true';

    this._context = options.context;
    this.rendermime = options.rendermime;
    this.contentFactory = options.contentFactory;
    this.mimeTypeService = options.mimeTypeService;
    this._editorConfig = options.editorConfig;
    this._notebookConfig = options.notebookConfig;

    // this one is displayed alone ok if uncommented
    // const t = document.createElement('div');
    // t.textContent = 'Ola koduje3';
    // const a = new Widget({ node: t });
    // this.addWidget(a);

    const splitPanel = new SplitPanel();
    splitPanel.id = 'my-split-panel';

    const left = new Panel();
    const right = new Panel();

    const t1 = document.createElement('div');
    t1.textContent = 'Ola koduje4';
    const a1 = new Widget({ node: t1 });

    const t2 = document.createElement('div');
    t2.textContent = 'Ola koduje5';
    const a2 = new Widget({ node: t2 });

    SplitPanel.setStretch(left, 0);

    SplitPanel.setStretch(right, 1);


Here is screenshot showing html source: image

Node with text content is in the html source but it is not displayed. I expect that SplitPanel will show both texts.

welcome[bot] commented 10 months ago

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krassowski commented 10 months ago

Thanks for reporting! There is something wrong with propagation of resize events. Two workarounds you could try to get unlocked (but this would ideally work out of the box):

pplonski commented 10 months ago

Thank you @krassowski!

Maybe there is some other Panel class that can be used to split Panel into sidebar and main view? Can it be done with simple Panel and css?

krassowski commented 10 months ago

Something like left.node.style.contain = 'none'; and right.node.style.contain = 'none';

pplonski commented 10 months ago

Thank you! Still nothing ...

Screenshot: image


    const splitPanel = new SplitPanel();
    splitPanel.id = 'my-split-panel';

    const left = new Panel();
    const right = new Panel();
    left.node.style.contain = 'none';
    right.node.style.contain = 'none';

    const t1 = document.createElement('div');
    t1.textContent = 'Ola koduje4';
    const a1 = new Widget({ node: t1 });

    const t2 = document.createElement('div');
    t2.textContent = 'Ola koduje5';
    const a2 = new Widget({ node: t2 });

    SplitPanel.setStretch(left, 0);

    SplitPanel.setStretch(right, 1);

krassowski commented 10 months ago

It looks like the contain: strict is still on the screenshot, so it is either overridden later, or the extension changes were not picked up.

pplonski commented 10 months ago

It must be overridden later, I set it more times in the code:

    const splitPanel = new SplitPanel();
    splitPanel.id = 'my-split-panel';

    const left = new Panel();
    const right = new Panel();
    left.node.style.contain = 'none';
    right.node.style.contain = 'none';

    const t1 = document.createElement('div');
    t1.textContent = 'Ola koduje4';
    const a1 = new Widget({ node: t1 });

    const t2 = document.createElement('div');
    t2.textContent = 'Ola koduje5';
    const a2 = new Widget({ node: t2 });

    SplitPanel.setStretch(left, 0);

    SplitPanel.setStretch(right, 1);

    left.node.style.contain = 'none';
    right.node.style.contain = 'none';
    left.node.style.contain = 'none';
    right.node.style.contain = 'none';

Screenshot image

erkin98 commented 8 months ago

It looks like the contain: strict is still on the screenshot, so it is either overridden later, or the extension changes were not picked up.

it is not picking up changes, does SplitPanel depends on parent size?