jupyterlab / lumino

Lumino is a library for building interactive web applications
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Support the selectors with `:is()` and `:where()` #685

Open krassowski opened 4 months ago

krassowski commented 4 months ago


Selectors with comma are currently straight out rejected in a few places:



This is understandable because the selector specificity can be only computed for individual selector, not a comma-separated list of selectors.

However, the :is() and :where() selectors now widely supported by browsers and take a comma-separated lists of selectors:

Lack of support for :is and :where makes creating selectors for certain commands and context menu more difficult than it should be in 2024.

Proposed Solution

Implement support for :is() and :where().

Additional context

Encountered this in https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/pull/15845 when trying to make the context menu show for .jp-RunningSessions-item:is(.jp-mod-kernel,.jp-mod-kernel-widget).