jupyterlite / jupyterlite-sphinx

Sphinx extension using JupyterLite to render Notebooks
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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A lot of noise being generated in docs builds #149

Closed steppi closed 6 months ago

steppi commented 6 months ago


https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/20277 points out that adding jupyterlite-sphinx to SciPy introduced a lot of noise in the docs builds. I've found that part of the problem is the hardcoding of --debug here in the invocation to jupyter lite build


I'm still trying to trace through what the other sources of noise are. Here's what it looks like for a toy project I created

[jupyterlite-sphinx] Running JupyterLite build
.  pre_status:static:jupyter-lite.json
    tarball:         jupyterlite-app-0.2.1.tgz 9MB
    output:          /home/birbir/interactive_doc_experiments/doc/build/html/lite
    lite dir:        /home/birbir/interactive_doc_experiments/doc/source
    apps:            notebooks, edit, lab, repl, tree, consoles
    sourcemaps:      True
    unused packages: True
.  status:archive:archive
[LiteBuildApp] No archive (yet): source-jupyterlite.tgz
.  status:contents:contents
    contents: 2 files
.  status:icons:icons
    favicon files: 0 files
.  status:jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel-pyodide:pyodide
     URL: None
 archive: []
   cache: 0 files
   local: 0 files
.  status:lite:jupyter-lite.json
[LiteBuildApp]     jupyter-lite.(json|ipynb): 0 files
.  status:mimetypes:jupyter-lite.json
    filetypes:         26 
.  status:serve:contents
    server: tornado
.  status:settings:overrides
    overrides.json: 0
.  status:translation:translation
    translation files: 0 files
.  pre_init:static:output_dir
.  init:static:unpack
/home/birbir/.virtualenvs/scipy-interactive-docs/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jupyterlite_core/addons/base.py:294: UserWarning: install libarchive-c for better performance when working with archives: No module named 'libarchive'
  return has_optional_dependency(
.  pre_build:federated_extensions:copy:ext:jupyterlab_pygments
.  pre_build:federated_extensions:copy:ext:jupyterlab-jupytext
.  pre_build:federated_extensions:copy:ext:@jupyterlite/pyodide-kernel-extension
.  build:contents:copy:c0052505_8d88_491e_af76_b9d2ab9b0416.ipynb
.  build:contents:copy:e60fb639_76a6_4796_91d4_13db74db8306.ipynb
.  build:icons:copy
.  build:translation:copy
.  post_build:contents:contents:.
.  post_build:federated_extensions:patch
.  post_build:federated_extensions:settings
.  post_build:jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel-piplite:patch
.  post_build:mimetypes:patch
[jupyterlite-sphinx] JupyterLite build done
build succeeded, 1 warning.

those build:contents:copy:*.ipynb notebooks are painful for SciPy where many notebooks are generated. I'm working on identifying all of the sources of these logging messages and would like to put them behind a debug flag somehow, defaulting to not showing them.

steppi commented 6 months ago

I've identified that some of the noise seems to come from status methods in jupyterlite_core/addons/* like here:

    def status(self, manager):
        """yield some status information about the state of contents"""
        yield self.task(
                lambda: self.log.debug(
                    "[lite] [contents] All Contents %s",
                    pprint.pformat([str(p[0]) for p in self.file_src_dest]),
                lambda: print(f"""    contents: {len(list(self.file_src_dest))} files"""),

I'm not sure at a glance whether there's a convenient way to suppress these.

steppi commented 6 months ago

I've set the logging level to warn in the call to jupyter lite build in jupyterlite_sphinx.py, and replaced all of the prints in the status methods mentioned above with log.info and am now down to the following level of output when building my toy package. A bit stumped on where the other things are coming from. Will keep working on it.

[jupyterlite-sphinx] Running JupyterLite build
.  pre_status:static:jupyter-lite.json
.  status:archive:archive
.  status:contents:contents
.  status:icons:icons
.  status:jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel-pyodide:pyodide
     URL: None
 archive: []
   cache: 0 files
   local: 0 files
.  status:lite:jupyter-lite.json
.  status:mimetypes:jupyter-lite.json
.  status:serve:contents
.  status:settings:overrides
.  status:translation:translation
.  pre_init:static:output_dir
.  init:static:unpack
.  pre_build:federated_extensions:copy:ext:jupyterlab_pygments
.  pre_build:federated_extensions:copy:ext:jupyterlab-jupytext
.  pre_build:federated_extensions:copy:ext:@jupyterlite/pyodide-kernel-extension
.  build:contents:copy:d034dfd2_4dd1_468b_bf8d_a8e694184439.ipynb
.  build:contents:copy:e60fb639_76a6_4796_91d4_13db74db8306.ipynb
.  build:icons:copy
.  build:translation:copy
.  post_build:contents:contents:.
.  post_build:federated_extensions:patch
.  post_build:federated_extensions:settings
.  post_build:jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel-piplite:patch
.  post_build:mimetypes:patch
[jupyterlite-sphinx] JupyterLite build done
steppi commented 6 months ago

Huh, I threw in a print statement to check the log level

    def status(self, manager):
        """yield some status information about the state of contents"""
        yield self.task(
                lambda: self.log.debug(
                    "[lite] [contents] All Contents %s",
                    pprint.pformat([str(p[0]) for p in self.file_src_dest]),
                lambda: self.log.info(f"""    contents: {len(list(self.file_src_dest))} files"""),

and its coming back as <Logger LiteBuildApp (DEBUG)>. This level is WARNING in other places though and many of the LiteBuildApp log messages are being suppressed. I'm having trouble figuring out where logging level is being changed.

steppi commented 6 months ago

OK, this is pretty strange.

The LiteStatusApp class which controls these status messages inherits in a chain up to the ancestor JupyterApp which inherits from traitlets.config.application.Application.

JupyterApp sets it's default log level to INFO

class JupyterApp(Application):
    """Base class for Jupyter applications"""

    name = "jupyter"  # override in subclasses
    description = "A Jupyter Application"

    aliases = base_aliases
    flags = base_flags

    def _log_level_default(self) -> int:
        return logging.INFO

but if I do

from jupyter_core import JupyterApp

a = JupyterApp()


the output is

{'_loaded_config_files': [],
 'answer_yes': False,
 'argv': [],
 'cli_config': {},
 'config': {},
 'config_dir': '/home/birbir/.jupyter',
 'config_file': '',
 'config_file_name': 'jupyter_config',
 'data_dir': '/home/birbir/.local/share/jupyter',
 'examples': '',
 'extra_args': [],
 'generate_config': False,
 'jupyter_path': ['/home/birbir/.virtualenvs/scipy-interactive-docs/share/jupyter',
 'keyvalue_description': "The command-line option below sets the respective configurable class-parameter:\n    --Class.parameter=value\nThis line is evaluated in Python, so simple expressions are allowed.\nFor instance, to set `C.a=[0,1,2]`, you may type this:\n    --C.a='range(3)'",
 'log': <Logger JupyterApp (DEBUG)>,
 'log_datefmt': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
 'log_format': '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s',
 'log_level': 20,
 'logging_config': {},
 'option_description': 'The options below are convenience aliases to configurable class-options,\nas listed in the "Equivalent to" description-line of the aliases.\nTo see all configurable class-options for some <cmd>, use:\n    <cmd> --help-all',
 'parent': None,
 'raise_config_file_errors': False,
 'runtime_dir': '/home/birbir/.local/share/jupyter/runtime',
 'show_config': False,
 'show_config_json': False,
 'subapp': None,
 'subcommand': '',
 'subcommand_description': "\nSubcommands are launched as `{app} cmd [args]`. For information on using\nsubcommand 'cmd', do: `{app} cmd -h`.\n",
 'subcommands': {},
 'version': '0.0'}

which means that self.log is logging at a DEBUG level, despite log_level being correctly set to the default level.

steppi commented 6 months ago

Sorry, self.log being at DEBUG was a red herring. This noise is coming from doit being used in jupyterlite_core. It looks like the verbosity is set to 2.

steppi commented 6 months ago

OK, I've verified that changing these lines in jupyterlite-core/jupyterlite_core/manager.py from

    def _default_doit_config(self):
        """our hardcoded ``DOIT_CONFIG``"""
        return {
            "dep_file": ".jupyterlite.doit.db",
            "backend": "sqlite3",
            "verbosity": 2,


    def _default_doit_config(self):
        """our hardcoded ``DOIT_CONFIG``"""
        return {
            "dep_file": ".jupyterlite.doit.db",
            "backend": "sqlite3",
            "verbosity": 0,
            "reporter": "zero",

(together with setting the logging level to warn in the invocation of jupyter lite build, and removing unguarded prints from the addons in jupyterlite_core.)

successfully suppresses all of the noise.

Can we make suppressing the noise the default?

steppi commented 6 months ago

It turns out that we can suppress most of the noise by changing the invocation of jupyter lite build to be

         command = [
+            "doit"
-            "--debug",
             os.path.join(app.srcdir, CONTENT_DIR),
             os.path.join(app.outdir, JUPYTERLITE_DIR),
+            "--log-level",
+            "WARN",
+            "--",
+            "--verbosity",
+            "0",
+            "--reporter",
+            "zero",

         subprocess.run(command, cwd=app.srcdir, check=True)

Thanks to @bollwyvl for the tip.

@martinRenou, @jtpio, @Carreau, any objections towards making this the default behavior in jupyterlite-sphinx. I was thinking maybe we could put the current invocation

        command = [
            os.path.join(app.srcdir, CONTENT_DIR),
            os.path.join(app.outdir, JUPYTERLITE_DIR),

        subprocess.run(command, cwd=app.srcdir, check=True)

behind a jupyterlite_debug option in conf.py which defaults to False.

Carreau commented 6 months ago

+1 to decrease verbosity levels, I do have some time this week, and will try to catch up with your work and help you on this and having a numpy docs build

jtpio commented 6 months ago

@martinRenou, @jtpio, @Carreau, any objections towards making this the default behavior in jupyterlite-sphinx. I was thinking maybe we could put the current invocation

Sounds good, and we can document how to enable more logs (opt-in).

steppi commented 6 months ago

This is fixed by #153