jurajmajer / enrico

Enrico Service provides holiday dates for several countries.
MIT License
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Is Spain supported? #13

Closed jbroudou closed 5 years ago

jbroudou commented 5 years ago

According to the Supported country list it should be https://github.com/jurajmajer/enrico/blob/4513277fd86b65031d268e8fdbd64d239910d8cb/holiday_library/SupportedCountry.php

However when hitting the API getSupportedCountries method, it does not return Spain.

jurajmajer commented 5 years ago


Spain is not supported. The list of supported countries can be found in docu: http://holidays.kayaposoft.com/. This site actually calls API method getSupportedCountries.

You probably misunderstood the meaning of $fullNames property in SupportedCountry class. It contains full names of ALL countries in the world, not just supported ones.

However I would like to add Spain public holidays to the list in the future. Many people ask for it.