juriad / X2C

reads xml schema and creates c++ classes, uses qt
7 stars 4 forks source link

Is the c code generated can be ported to embedded processor #1

Open manasdas17 opened 9 years ago

manasdas17 commented 9 years ago

Hi, Could i use this for Xcos files which is a part of Scilab.And also can the generated C code can be ported to embedde hardware line avr microcontroller for hardware implementation.

Thanks & Regards, Manas

juriad commented 9 years ago

Hi, the code havily depend on Qt and its xml module. Removing this dependency would require rewriting the whole code from scratch. But that is not the major problem, the whole code is piece of crap. I wrote it when I knew next to nothing about C++, for example its lack of destructors means it doesn't release memory at all. Sorry for that. If you want, you can either fix it or inspire to wrote your own.