jurialmunkey / plugin.video.themoviedb.helper

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[BUG] without_genres won't work #910

Closed roidy closed 1 year ago

roidy commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

I'm trying this discover path:-


This should return TV Shows from Disney+ (337) sorted by release date descending while excluding Documentaries (99)

However the the second and third returned items are both documentaries.

If I then try to filter out multiple genres using:-


To filter out Documentaries (99), News (10763), Reality (10764) and Talk (10767) I get back a list that just looks like random items.

If I then goto themoviedb api site and use this api request:-


I get a perfect date ordered list of Disney+ shows that excludes all the genres I listed.

Is this a bug or just user error on my part?


jurialmunkey commented 1 year ago

You're missing with_id=True

If you don't set with_id then tmdbhelper assumes you've passed text and will try to search an id first before making the request.

roidy commented 1 year ago

Thanks, but after adding with_id=True filtering out a single genre:-


Works perfectly, however filtering out multiple genres:-


Still doesn't work, I get back a list with all the Genres I want to remove, still there.

jurialmunkey commented 1 year ago

You need spaces around your separator just like it was a text label from Kodi. The separator Kodi uses is " / " not "/"

roidy commented 1 year ago

Brilliant that works perfectly. Your support is top notch, Thanks.

I realise now you've made it that way so you can pass in a correctly formatted info label ie. ListItem.Genres and it will just work.

Just a side note the spaces around the separator aren't shown in the wiki, it just shows "/"


jurialmunkey commented 1 year ago

I realise now you've made it that way so you can pass in a correctly formatted info label ie. ListItem.Genres and it will just work.

Exactly. Otherwise I wouldn't bother with the space but this way it allows for dropping the infolabel in.

Just a side note the spaces around the separator aren't shown in the wiki, it just shows "/"

Ah thanks. Fixed now.