jurialmunkey / skin.arctic.fuse

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Issue with back function in TMDb Helper series navigation. #910

Closed Bindou01 closed 1 month ago

Bindou01 commented 1 month ago

Skin section

TMDB Helper navigation

Current Behavior

I reported the following bug "when I am in a Hub made up of Widgets from the TMDb Helper series, if I enter a Season, and I want to leave it, the return click not only leaves the season folder, but we returns to the top Widgets (on the list of categories) directly "

This bug has only been partially fixed. This only works if you focus on the thumbnails. But if we are positioned on the bottom tab "Season 1", nothing happens when you press the back key. I feel like the next one will finally be the right one :D Many thanks Jurial !

Expected Behavior


Steps To Reproduce


Screenshots and Additional Info

No response


Bindou01 commented 1 month ago

@jurialmunkey Thank you very much Jurial. 🙏 This time it looks good, finally 99%. ^^ I don't know if you can do otherwise, but if we click on "return" while the page has not completely loaded. We come across this...


Bindou01 commented 1 month ago

@jurialmunkey Furthermore, I note that if it does indeed work perfectly most of the time, in fact, unfortunately it does not work the first time. Let me explain, if we leave the Hub, then come back, the bug returns (if we click on return from the episode navigation, it takes us directly to the top in the list of categories). Whereas if we then do it again, it works, all the time, until we come out and come back to the hub.

Really sorry again to bore you with this, we have never been so close to success. THANKS 🙏

Bindou01 commented 1 month ago

@jurialmunkey Do I need to recreate a topic?

xyzfre commented 1 month ago

With the recent update on my end, this issue is fixed. I tried every possible scenario and when I exit a TV show or season, brings me back to the same widget I was on.

xyzfre commented 1 month ago


xyzfre commented 1 month ago

is this what you mean? it works the same way when I go into my TV show hub

Bindou01 commented 1 month ago

@jurialmunkey Furthermore, I note that if it does indeed work perfectly most of the time, in fact, unfortunately it does not work the first time. Let me explain, if we leave the Hub, then come back, the bug returns (if we click on return from the episode navigation, it takes us directly to the top in the list of categories). Whereas if we then do it again, it works, all the time, until we come out and come back to the hub.

Really sorry again to bore you with this, we have never been so close to success. THANKS 🙏

So indeed after yet another reboot, the problem I talked about above no longer occurs at all. Odd. But that’s so much the better! :D

Bindou01 commented 1 month ago

@jurialmunkey Merci beaucoup Jurial. 🙏 Cette fois, ça s'annonce bien, enfin à 99%. ^^ Je ne sais pas si vous pouvez faire autrement, mais si on clique sur "retour" alors que la page n'est pas complètement chargée. On tombe sur ça...


However, the problem I am reporting here still occurs. If you click on return a little too quickly, it opens this page.

-> https://photos.app.goo.gl/K5V3dNZPzeJ5HPXv7

xyzfre commented 1 month ago

That is a Different issue. You are using a different view type than me. Looks like you're using combine season ,I use poster for TV shows and landscape for seasons,maybe you should try to change view type and see if the issue still occurs.

Bindou01 commented 1 month ago

Okay, that's not happening. So I'm going to open a new topic.

xyzfre commented 1 month ago

I don't mean change view type permanently just to check ,it could be a issue with specific view types and that could help narrow it down.

Bindou01 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your help, I was able to refine it : https://github.com/jurialmunkey/skin.arctic.fuse/issues/915