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:bug: Can't navigate after disabling all side widgets #983

Open FrostByteLXV opened 4 days ago

FrostByteLXV commented 4 days ago

Skin section


Current Behavior

After disabling all side widgets I can no longer navigate. There is no current cursor position. I do not use the side menu (I use nodes on the Home page) so I was thinking if I disabled them all then I could eliminate a click to get to the options. This results in a partial Home screen ) no nodes are shown either) and a Kodi which is unusable. Using v 7.26 and latest Kodi nightly from the 29th.

Expected Behavior

After disabling all side menu widgets the side menu would just not be used. Or, the code should not allow a user to disable all side widgets. However, I prefer the first option.

Steps To Reproduce

I'm doing this from memory since I can no longer use Kodi.

  1. Go to skin settings.
  2. Modify widgets
  3. navigate to the side menu and disable all widgets (Search and libraries is what I had)

Screenshots and Additional Info

Screenshot is all I get. I can't navigate anywhere as there is no cursor. After the skin loads, I do get a very quick flash of what looks like a blank side menu, but then it closes really quick. Also, none of the nodes that should be shown below are loaded. Screenshot_20240629-135230


FrostByteLXV commented 4 days ago

Also, is there a xml file which I can modify to at least enable one side menu widget in order to get Kodi working again? I've looked at several and can't seem to find the right one.

jurialmunkey commented 4 days ago

I don't know what you mean by "nodes"?

The side (or top) menu is the main menu. You need at least one because otherwise there is no configuration at all.

You can press S on keyboard to access options menu. On some systems long press back also works.

Otherwise you can delete the addon_data/script.skinvariables folder with Kodi closed to nuke the entire config and start again.

FrostByteLXV commented 4 days ago

I added my own menus that should load underneath what you see in the picture above. These menus have all my libraries. Underneath those menus I have nodes for things like latest movies, etc. I guess I should have mentioned my menus below the spotlight because that's why I never use the side menu with search and libraries that are there now.

This is an old pic and doesn't show my current sidebar widgets, but shows the menus and nodes I use below the spotlight. I was trying to eliminate the side menu because everything there currently is either in my own menus below, or in the options menu. Screenshot_20240420-122228

FrostByteLXV commented 4 days ago

Thanks, for the tip on getting Kodi back. I'll make sure to enable at least one widget.

If the sidebar can't be eliminated altogether then maybe you can make it so that you can't disable ALL widgets to prevent users doing what I just did.