juriansluiman / SlmIdealPayment

Payment module for Dutch iDEAL payments
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Update service config for config file caching; Update of classmap #11

Closed japaveh closed 11 years ago

japaveh commented 11 years ago

The current configuration has closures in the service manager configuration (in config/module.config.php)

This gives problems when the config is cached by ZF2 (http://akrabat.com/zend-framework-2/caching-your-zf2-merged-configuration/#comment-133929)

By moving the factories to a separete config-file, this issue is resolved.

The classmap has also been updated

juriansluiman commented 11 years ago

:+1: I can't test the changes now, but I believe you there are no typos ;)

Additionally, I am also updating apps to iDEAL v3.3.1 (SlmIdealPayment is now 1.1.0) so in the next days/weeks the code will get a refactoring for this change as well (just to let you know and save you the work of doing the same thing as I did last week).

japaveh commented 11 years ago

If i can offer some help in updating the Ideal to the new version, let me know. I also need the iDeal 3.3.1 but I didn't find the time yet to look in the specs of iDeal 3.3.1 to figure out what has changed.

What is actually the deadline for 3.3.1?

juriansluiman commented 11 years ago

@japaveh iDEAL for the Rabobank had the deadline Aug 1st. This is a gist of a ZF1 service I rewrote to get it working https://gist.github.com/juriansluiman/04eb5f56a2853c6ab9bf

Mind it's using HEREDOC, SimpleXML and DOMDocument completely mixed up, this needs a thorough cleanup for SlmIdealPayment. But the code itself is working :)

japaveh commented 11 years ago

@juriansluiman Ah, OK. I will see if I can set something up in the fork i have now.