jurplel / install-qt-action

Install Qt on your Github Actions workflows with just one simple action
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Where can I find windeployqt.exe? #188

Closed DBraun closed 1 year ago

DBraun commented 1 year ago

I'm expecting to find %Qt5_DIR%/bin/windeployqt.exe but it's not there. I do see lots of Qt5*.dll. Can you help me find windeployqt.exe?

Here I print the directory with dir "%Qt5_DIR%/bin":

    - name: Install Qt
      # note that this sets the environment var Qt5_DIR
      uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3
        version: '5.15.2'
        host: 'windows'
        target: 'desktop'
        arch: 'win64_msvc2019_64'
        dir: '${{ github.workspace }}/'
        install-deps: 'true'
        archives: 'qtbase qtsvg'
        cache: 'false'
        cache-key-prefix: 'install-qt-action'
        setup-python: 'true'
        tools: 'tools_ifw tools_qtcreator,qt.tools.qtcreator'
        set-env: 'true'
        tools-only: 'false'
        aqtversion: '==2.1.*'
        py7zrversion: '==0.19.*'
        extra: '--external 7z'
    - name: Build
      shell: cmd
      run: |
        dir "%Qt5_DIR%/bin"

results in

Directory of D:\a\faustlive\faustlive\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\bin
05/06/2023  05:33 PM    <DIR>          .
11/13/2020  06:58 AM    <DIR>          ..
10/27/2020  08:02 AM             6,523 fixqt4headers.pl
11/06/2020  05:30 AM            25,072 libEGL.dll
11/06/2020  05:30 AM            72,688 libEGLd.dll
11/06/2020  05:30 AM         3,385,328 libGLESv2.dll
11/06/2020  05:30 AM        17,612,272 libGLESv2d.dll
11/12/2020  05:05 PM           464,896 licheck.exe
11/06/2020  05:30 AM         1,325,552 moc.exe
11/06/2020  05:30 AM           201,200 qdbuscpp2xml.exe
11/06/2020  05:30 AM            71,664 qdbusxml2cpp.exe
11/06/2020  05:30 AM           113,648 qlalr.exe
11/06/2020  05:30 AM         2,893,296 qmake.exe
05/06/2023  05:33 PM                20 qt.conf
11/06/2020  05:29 AM            33,264 Qt5Concurrent.dll
11/06/2020  05:29 AM            90,096 Qt5Concurrentd.dll
11/06/2020  05:29 AM         6,023,664 Qt5Core.dll
11/06/2020  05:29 AM        12,942,320 Qt5Cored.dll
11/06/2020  05:29 AM           436,720 Qt5DBus.dll
11/06/2020  05:29 AM         1,281,008 Qt5DBusd.dll
11/06/2020  05:29 AM         7,008,240 Qt5Gui.dll
11/06/2020  05:29 AM        17,180,144 Qt5Guid.dll
11/06/2020  05:29 AM         1,340,400 Qt5Network.dll
11/06/2020  05:29 AM         4,292,080 Qt5Networkd.dll
11/06/2020  05:29 AM           321,008 Qt5OpenGL.dll
11/06/2020  05:29 AM           766,448 Qt5OpenGLd.dll
11/06/2020  05:29 AM           317,424 Qt5PrintSupport.dll
11/06/2020  05:30 AM           662,000 Qt5PrintSupportd.dll
11/06/2020  05:30 AM           208,880 Qt5Sql.dll
11/06/2020  05:30 AM           482,288 Qt5Sqld.dll
11/06/2020  08:27 AM           330,736 Qt5Svg.dll
11/06/2020  08:27 AM           759,792 Qt5Svgd.dll
11/06/2020  05:30 AM           245,232 Qt5Test.dll
11/06/2020  05:30 AM           657,392 Qt5Testd.dll
11/06/2020  05:30 AM         5,498,352 Qt5Widgets.dll
11/06/2020  05:30 AM        11,971,056 Qt5Widgetsd.dll
11/06/2020  05:30 AM           213,488 Qt5Xml.dll
11/06/2020  05:30 AM           526,832 Qt5Xmld.dll
05/06/2023  05:33 PM               248 qtenv2.bat
11/06/2020  05:30 AM            41,456 qvkgen.exe
11/06/2020  05:30 AM         1,084,912 rcc.exe
10/27/2020  08:02 AM            49,611 syncqt.pl
11/06/2020  05:30 AM           890,352 tracegen.exe
11/06/2020  05:30 AM           378,352 uic.exe
              42 File(s)    102,205,954 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  10,742,595,584 bytes free

I get the same result with

        aqtversion: '==3.1.*'
        py7zrversion: '==0.20.*'
DBraun commented 1 year ago

Solution: don't specify archives: 'qtbase qtsvg' in the yml.