juspay / hyperswitch-web

Hyperswitch Web SDK: A Rescript powered React library for seamless payment integration and customization.
Apache License 2.0
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Shared Code base for both web and client #727

Closed manideepk90 closed 1 month ago

manideepk90 commented 1 month ago

Type of Change


This the first code share base for both web and client.

How did you test it?



semanticdiff-com[bot] commented 1 month ago

Review changes with SemanticDiff.

Analyzed 4 of 16 files.

Filename Status
:grey_question: CHANGELOG.md Unsupported file format
:heavy_check_mark: package-lock.json 39.32% smaller
:heavy_check_mark: package.json Analyzed
:heavy_check_mark: webpack.common.js Analyzed
:grey_question: src/BubblegumTheme.res Unsupported file format
:grey_question: src/CardTheme.res Unsupported file format
:grey_question: src/orca-loader/Hyper.res Unsupported file format
:grey_question: src/orca-loader/PaymentSessionMethods.res Unsupported file format
:grey_question: src/Utilities/Utils.res Unsupported file format
:grey_question: src/Types/ApplePayTypes.res Unsupported file format
:grey_question: src/Types/CardThemeType.res Unsupported file format
:grey_question: src/Payments/PaypalSDKHelpers.res Unsupported file format
:grey_question: src/Components/SaveDetailsCheckbox.res Unsupported file format
:grey_question: src/Components/SavedMethods.res Unsupported file format
:heavy_check_mark: cypress-tests/cypress/support/utils.ts Analyzed
:grey_question: .github/workflows/run-automation-test.yml Unsupported file format