Open Sweta-Kumari-Sharma opened 2 weeks ago
@Sweta-Kumari-Sharma Add a linked issue with this PR, also rename the PR title. You can take this PR as ref:
In your description, also add the response json for your cURL
Type of Change
Klarna Kustom Checkout (KCO) integration (upto authorization) Klarna provides two payment methods:
Any one of the methods can be used at a time and switching between Klarna Payments and Klarna Checkout is been done
Additional Changes
Motivation and Context
This change is required because Klarna KCO provides some additional features (such as shipping address change callback), along with location differences than Klarna Payments.
Link to the issue:
How did you test it?
I tested it using postman by hitting the required endpoints. Curl to the postman setup: curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/payments' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'api-key: dev_tMhVA6fMp8BFTmxi1BgtoeKC0SGTpwn4E7Lg3YOlo8E8Jr2niX2LWzyijupRGfOQ' \ --data-raw '{ "amount": 5000, "order_tax_amount": 0, "currency": "USD", "amount_to_capture": 5000, "confirm": false, "payment_experience":"invoke_sdk_client", "profile_id": null, "capture_method": "automatic", "capture_on": "2022-09-10T10:11:12Z", "authentication_type": "no_three_ds", "setup_future_usage":"on_session", "customer": { "id": "customer123", "name": "John Doe", "email": "", "phone": "9999999999", "phone_country_code": "+1" }, "customer_id": "customer123", "phone_country_code": "+1", "routing": { "type": "single", "data": "stripe" }, "description": "Its my first payment request", "return_url": "", "payment_method": "pay_later", "payment_method_type": "klarna_checkout", "payment_method_data": { "pay_later": { "klarna_checkout":{} }, "billing":null }, "billing": { "address": { "line1": "1467", "line2": "Harrison Street", "line3": "Harrison Street", "city": "San Fransico", "state": "California", "zip": "94122", "country": "US", "first_name": "joseph", "last_name": "Doe" }, "phone": { "number": "8056594427", "country_code": "+91" }, "email": "" }, "shipping": { "address": { "line1": "1467", "line2": "Harrison Street", "line3": "Harrison Street", "city": "San Fransico", "state": "California", "zip": "94122", "country": "US", "first_name": "joseph", "last_name": "Doe" }, "phone": { "number": "8056594427", "country_code": "+91" }, "email": "" }, "statement_descriptor_name": "joseph", "statement_descriptor_suffix": "JS", "order_details": [ { "product_name": "Red T-Shirt", "quantity": 1, "amount": 5000, "account_name": "transaction_processing", "total_tax_amount": 0, "tax_rate": 0, "total_amount": 5000 } ], "metadata": { "udf1": "value1", "new_customer": "true", "login_date": "2019-09-10T10:11:12Z" }, "browser_info": { "user_agent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/70.0.3538.110 Safari\/537.36", "accept_header": "text\/html,application\/xhtml+xml,application\/xml;q=0.9,image\/webp,image\/apng,\/;q=0.8", "language": "nl-NL", "color_depth": 24, "screen_height": 723, "screen_width": 1536, "time_zone": 0, "java_enabled": true, "java_script_enabled": true, "ip_address": "" }, "customer_acceptance": { "acceptance_type": "offline", "accepted_at": "1963-05-03T04:07:52.723Z", "online": { "ip_address": "", "user_agent": "amet irure esse" } }, "connector_metadata": { "noon": { "order_category": "pay" } }, "payment_link": false, "payment_link_config": { "theme": "", "logo": "", "seller_name": "", "sdk_layout": "", "display_sdk_only": false, "enabled_saved_payment_method": false }, "payment_type": "normal", "request_incremental_authorization": false, "merchant_order_reference_id": "test_ord",
} '
cargo +nightly fmt --all
cargo clippy