juspay / services-flake

NixOS-like services for Nix flakes
MIT License
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feat: Add cargo-doc-live #246

Open leomayleomay opened 3 weeks ago

leomayleomay commented 3 weeks ago


leomayleomay commented 3 weeks ago

@srid I've got an error when I try to run just test cargo-doc-live

22:28 $ just test cargo-doc-live
nix build ./test#checks.$(nix eval --impure --expr "builtins.currentSystem").cargo-doc-live --override-input services-flake . -L
warning: not writing modified lock file of flake 'git+file:///home/hao/services-flake?dir=test':
• Updated input 'services-flake':
    'github:juspay/services-flake/b23fd8fc01985a994b38acc40bc512abefbbcc3f?narHash=sha256-J0hWG7EAhwujMvhbBfnIc3gMxzPWjj3s5yJNH%2BmV5cs%3D' (2024-06-09)
  → 'git+file:///home/hao/services-flake?ref=refs/heads/add-cargo-doc-live&rev=7e2eb0943215c8d422deb6a3ead4d56e372ee9dd' (2024-06-22)
trace: warning: getExe: Package "browser-sync-3.0.2" does not have the meta.mainProgram attribute. We'll assume that the main program has the same name for now, but this behavior is deprecated, because it leads to surprising errors when the assumption does not hold. If the package has a main program, please set `meta.mainProgram` in its definition to make this warning go away. Otherwise, if the package does not have a main program, or if you don't control its definition, use getExe' to specify the name to the program, such as lib.getExe' foo "bar".
cargo-doc-live-test> + process-compose --no-server -t=false
cargo-doc-live-test> [cargo-doc-live1-cargo-doc ] error: No such file or directory (os error 2)
cargo-doc-live-test> [cargo-doc-live1-cargo-doc ]
cargo-doc-live-test> [cargo-doc-live1-cargo-doc ] error: No such file or directory (os error 2)
srid commented 3 weeks ago

Also, the CI never terminates after those error: No such file or directory (os error 2) errors. Can this be fixed so that it terminates immediately?