recently i've started using trine (production code) for time-series visualisations and ended up writing some mathematical functions, for moving sum, average , variances, discrete differentiation, etc. any interests?
examples :
export function * sum ( N, cache=[] ) {
if(N<=0){ return; }
let sum = cache.reduce((a,b)=>a+b,0);
for(const value of this){
yield sum;
export function * average( N, cache=[] ){
yield * this::sum(N, cache )::map(function(){ return this/N; });
const sq = function(){return this*this;};
export function * variance ( N, cache=[] ) {
let X = this::map(sq)::sum( N, [...cache::map(sq)] );
let Y = this::sum( N, cache )::map(sq);
const N2= N*N;
yield * [X,Y]::zip()::map(function(){
return this[0]/N - this[1]/N2;
// usage
// [2,4,6,8]::sum(2) // yields 2,6,10,14
// [2,4,6,8]::average(2) // yields 1,3,5,7
// [2,4,6,8]::variance(2) // yields 1,1,1,1
recently i've started using trine (production code) for time-series visualisations and ended up writing some mathematical functions, for moving sum, average , variances, discrete differentiation, etc. any interests?
examples :