Visualisation plugins support the concept of "scope": some plugins can visualise an entirey OData sercvice (example: ODataMetaDataGraph), most of them can only visualise one particular entity (example: TableVisualisation). The word we use to identify the scope for an entire service is currently: "model". That's because internally, we use a Odata Model on the ui5 side (Class sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel). But for developers this may not be clear. So we propose to change the word from "model" to "service".
Visualisation plugins support the concept of "scope": some plugins can visualise an entirey OData sercvice (example: ODataMetaDataGraph), most of them can only visualise one particular entity (example: TableVisualisation). The word we use to identify the scope for an entire service is currently: "model". That's because internally, we use a Odata Model on the ui5 side (Class sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel). But for developers this may not be clear. So we propose to change the word from "model" to "service".