just214 / svelte-custom-element

A project template to build custom elements (web components) with Svelte.
30 stars 3 forks source link

Importing components #4

Open bestguy opened 4 years ago

bestguy commented 4 years ago

Helpful repo, thank you. I have a question on why importing other Svelte components requires they also be declared as custom elements?: https://github.com/gojutin/svelte-custom-element#imports

This seems to make it impossible to import 3rd party components like Sveltestrap. Is this a Svelte internal problem or ?

just214 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I am not really sure why this is the case. Unfortunately, I don't get to work with Svelte too much, so this is something I haven't experienced. I can try to look into it when I have time, but might take a little while. I built this starter more as a way to generate web components for use elsewhere, but didn't really consider using it as a way to build an app that incorporates non-web component libraries. Hope you find the answer sooner but I will try to look into it when I can. Thanks.