I'm using the following code to loop through my sample images using the following code:
const imageFile = 'eric_2.jpg';
await faceapi.nets.ssdMobilenetv1.loadFromDisk('./models/ssd_mobilenetv1');
await faceapi.nets.faceLandmark68Net.loadFromDisk('./models/face_landmark_68');
await faceapi.nets.faceRecognitionNet.loadFromDisk('./models/face_recognition');
await faceapi.nets.ageGenderNet.loadFromDisk('./models/age_gender_model');
// This method returns the files in the specified path
const files = await api.listFiles(`${__dirname}/images/`);
const image1 = await canvas.loadImage(`./images/${imageFile}`);
const detection1 = await faceapi.detectSingleFace(image1, new faceapi.SsdMobilenetv1Options()).withFaceLandmarks().withFaceDescriptor();
for(const file of files){
const image2 = await canvas.loadImage(`./images/${file}`);
const detection2 = await faceapi.detectSingleFace(image2, new faceapi.SsdMobilenetv1Options()).withFaceLandmarks().withFaceDescriptor();
const distance = await faceapi.euclideanDistance(detection1.descriptor, detection2.descriptor);
var match = '=> not a match';
if(distance < 0.7)
match = '=> match';
console.log(`Euclidean distance from image: ${imageFile} to ${file} is ${distance} ${match}`);
I take it back it seems like I get a match with everyone I have taken using my phone to my image
**Here is the code output of my kids that is saying its a match:
Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to dj.jpg is 0.4787967301362279 => match
Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to drew.jpg is 0.5003818530582609 => match**
Celebrities I'm testing that does not match:
Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to brad_pitt.jpg is 0.7968919207835512 => not a match
Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to cindy_crawford.jpg is 0.8775858144569341 => not a match
Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to kaley_cuoco_1.jpg is 0.8474952774223865 => not a match
Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to kaley_cuoco_2.jpg is 0.8581044739989803 => not a match
More pictures of me that matches.
Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to eric_1.jpg is 0 => match
Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to eric_2.jpg is 0.36870495014601334 => match
Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to eric_3.jpg is 0.680211514000396 => match
The images of me and my kids are 3456x4608 72dpi. The images of the celebrities I just downloaded from the web 1435x2154 300dpi.
I downloaded the models from the URL https://github.com/justadudewhohacks/face-api.js-models
Am I doing something wrong? This is my first attempt using this API.
This can be disregarded. After looking at the landmarks I created I noticed that my pictures were rotated 90degrees. After rotating them back to properly show the right position it gives me the right results now.
I'm using the following code to loop through my sample images using the following code:
I take it back it seems like I get a match with everyone I have taken using my phone to my image
**Here is the code output of my kids that is saying its a match:
Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to dj.jpg is 0.4787967301362279 => match Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to drew.jpg is 0.5003818530582609 => match**
Celebrities I'm testing that does not match:
Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to brad_pitt.jpg is 0.7968919207835512 => not a match Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to cindy_crawford.jpg is 0.8775858144569341 => not a match Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to kaley_cuoco_1.jpg is 0.8474952774223865 => not a match Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to kaley_cuoco_2.jpg is 0.8581044739989803 => not a match
More pictures of me that matches. Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to eric_1.jpg is 0 => match Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to eric_2.jpg is 0.36870495014601334 => match Euclidean distance from image: eric_1.jpg to eric_3.jpg is 0.680211514000396 => match
The images of me and my kids are 3456x4608 72dpi. The images of the celebrities I just downloaded from the web 1435x2154 300dpi. I downloaded the models from the URL https://github.com/justadudewhohacks/face-api.js-models
Am I doing something wrong? This is my first attempt using this API.