Open vahe-martirosyan-qp opened 10 months ago
import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react" import Webcam from "react-webcam" import * as faceapi from "face-api.js" import "../../RespondentVideoWrapper.scss" interface IVideoRecorder { recordedChunks: Blob[] setRecordedChunks: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<Blob[]>> setUrl: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<string>> capturing: boolean setCapturing: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>> setUploadFile: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<File | null>> setScreenshot: React.Dispatch<any> setDetectedEmotions: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<string[]>> } const VideoRecorder: React.FC<IVideoRecorder> = ({ recordedChunks, setRecordedChunks, setUrl, capturing, setCapturing, setUploadFile, setScreenshot, setDetectedEmotions, }) => { const mediaRecorderRef = useRef<MediaRecorder | null>(null) const webcamRef = useRef<Webcam>(null) const stopRef = useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(null) const canvasRef = useRef<HTMLCanvasElement>(null) const [countdown, setCountdown] = useState<any>(null) const [btnNotVisible, setBtnNotVisible] = useState(false) const [recordingTime, setRecordingTime] = useState(0) const [isRecording, setIsRecording] = useState(false) const [emotionsArr, setEmotionsArr] = useState<string[]>([]) const [screen, setScreen] = useState<any>("") const [intervalId, setIntervalId] = useState<NodeJS.Timeout | null>(null) let timerInterval: NodeJS.Timeout const formatTime = (seconds: number): string => { const minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60) const remainingSeconds = seconds % 60 const formattedMinutes = minutes < 10 ? `0${minutes}` : `${minutes}` const formattedSeconds = remainingSeconds < 10 ? `0${remainingSeconds}` : `${remainingSeconds}` return `${formattedMinutes}:${formattedSeconds}` } const startTimer = () => { setIsRecording(true) setRecordingTime(0) timerInterval = setInterval(() => { setRecordingTime((prevTime) => prevTime + 1) }, 1000) } const stopTimer = () => { setIsRecording(false) setRecordingTime(0) clearInterval(timerInterval) } const startCountdown = useCallback( (count: number) => { setCountdown(count) setBtnNotVisible(true) const countdownInterval = setInterval(() => { setCountdown((prevCount: any) => { if (prevCount === 1) { clearInterval(countdownInterval) if (mediaRecorderRef.current) { setBtnNotVisible(false) mediaRecorderRef.current.start() startTimer() captureScreenshot() } return null } return prevCount - 1 }) }, 1000) return () => { clearInterval(countdownInterval) } }, [mediaRecorderRef], ) const handleDownload = useCallback(() => { if (recordedChunks.length) { const blob = new Blob(recordedChunks, { type: "video/webm", }) const file = new File([blob], "recording.webm", { type: "video/webm", }) const src = URL.createObjectURL(blob) stopTimer() setUrl(src) setUploadFile(file) } else { setTimeout(() => { if (stopRef.current) { } }, 500) } }, [recordedChunks, stopRef]) const handleStopCaptureClick = useCallback(async () => { if (mediaRecorderRef.current) { mediaRecorderRef.current.stop() setScreenshot(screen) handleDownload() setCapturing(false) if (intervalId !== null) { clearInterval(intervalId) setIntervalId(null) } const canvas = canvasRef.current if (canvas) { const context = canvas.getContext("2d") if (context) { context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) } } } }, [handleDownload, recordedChunks, screen]) const handleDataAvailable = (data: BlobEvent) => { if ( > 0) { setRecordedChunks((prev) => prev.concat( } } const handleStartCaptureClick = useCallback(() => { if (webcamRef.current) { const video = if (video) { const stream = video.srcObject as MediaStream if (stream) { setCapturing(true) mediaRecorderRef.current = new MediaRecorder(stream, { mimeType: "video/webm", }) mediaRecorderRef.current.addEventListener("dataavailable", handleDataAvailable) startCountdown(3) } else { console.error("Video stream not available") } } } }, [handleDataAvailable]) const captureScreenshot = () => { if (webcamRef.current) { const video = const canvas = document.createElement("canvas") if (video) { canvas.width = video.width ?? 823 canvas.height = video.height ?? 365 const context = canvas.getContext("2d") if (context) { context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) const screenshotDataUrl = `canvas.toDataURL("image/png")` const screenshotBlob = dataURLtoBlob(screenshotDataUrl) const screenshotFile = new File([screenshotBlob], "screenshot.png", { type: "image/png", }) setScreen(screenshotFile) } } } } const dataURLtoBlob = (dataURL: string) => { const arr = dataURL.split(",") const mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)![1] const bstr = atob(arr[1]) let n = bstr.length const u8arr = new Uint8Array(n) while (n--) { u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n) } return new Blob([u8arr], { type: mime }) } useEffect(() => { const loadModels = async () => { await Promise.all([ faceapi.nets.tinyFaceDetector.loadFromUri("/models"), faceapi.nets.faceLandmark68Net.loadFromUri("/models"), faceapi.nets.faceRecognitionNet.loadFromUri("/models"), faceapi.nets.faceExpressionNet.loadFromUri("/models"), faceapi.nets.ageGenderNet.loadFromUri("/models"), ]) if (webcamRef.current) { const video = if (video) { video.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", () => { const displaySize = { width: video.width ?? 823, height: video.height ?? 365 } faceapi.matchDimensions(canvasRef.current!, displaySize) setIntervalId( setInterval(async () => { const detections = await faceapi .detectAllFaces(video, new faceapi.TinyFaceDetectorOptions()) .withFaceLandmarks() .withFaceDescriptors() .withFaceExpressions() .withAgeAndGender() faceapi.resizeResults(detections, displaySize) const emotions: string[] = => { const expression = detection.expressions as faceapi.FaceExpressions const emotionKeys = Object.keys(expression) as (keyof faceapi.FaceExpressions)[] return emotionKeys.reduce((a, b) => (expression[a] > expression[b] ? a : b)) }) setEmotionsArr(emotions) const canvas = canvasRef.current! const context = canvas.getContext("2d")! context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) // Draw square around each detected face detections.forEach((detection) => { const { box } = detection.detection context.beginPath() context.lineWidth = 2 context.strokeStyle = "red" context.rect(box.x + 90, box.y - 100, box.width, box.height) context.stroke() }) }, 100), ) }) } else { console.error("Video element not available") } } } webcamRef.current && loadModels() return () => { if (intervalId) { clearInterval(intervalId) } } }, [webcamRef]) useEffect(() => { if (isRecording) { setDetectedEmotions((prevState) => [...prevState, ...emotionsArr]) } }, [emotionsArr, isRecording]) return ( <div> <div className={"recorder-wrapper"}> <> <Webcam className={"recorder-wrapper-webcam"} audio={true} muted={true} ref={webcamRef} onUserMediaError={(e) => { console.error("Error accessing webcam:", e) }} height={365} width={823} style={{ objectFit: "contain" }} /> <canvas ref={canvasRef} style={{ position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0 }} /> {countdown !== null && ( <div className='recorder-wrapper-countdown'> <p>{countdown}</p> </div> )} {isRecording && ( <div className='recorder-wrapper-rec'> <p>REC: {formatTime(recordingTime)}</p> </div> )} <button ref={stopRef} onClick={handleStopCaptureClick} className={`recorder-wrapper-btn ${capturing ? "recorder-wrapper-btn-capturing" : ""} ${ btnNotVisible ? "recorder-wrapper-btn-hidden" : "" }`} > <span></span> </button> <button onClick={handleStartCaptureClick} className={`recorder-wrapper-btn ${!capturing ? "recorder-wrapper-btn-stop" : ""} ${ btnNotVisible ? "recorder-wrapper-btn-hidden" : "" }`} > <span></span> </button> </> </div> {!capturing && ( <div className='recorder-wrapper-info d-flex-column-centered'> <p>Ensure your head and shoulders are in shot. Hit record when you’re ready.</p> </div> )} </div> ) } export default VideoRecorder
on my device the face recognition and emotion detection is working good, but on some devices it's not working
Your device need to have dedicated GPU and definitely not intel cpu
Try using Tiny model instead
tinyFaceDetector faceLandmark68TinyNet
see #113
on my device the face recognition and emotion detection is working good, but on some devices it's not working