Open RealKai42 opened 4 years ago
I have tried
brew uninstall ffmpeg
brew uninstall tesseract
npm install opencv4nodejs
and even
brew rmtree opencv
I temporarily chose ‘Installing OpenCV Manually’
But I'm still curious why npm install --save opencv4nodejs
not work
not work for windows
I had the same problem.
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [
1 verbose cli '/usr/local/bin/node',
1 verbose cli '/usr/local/bin/npm',
1 verbose cli 'install',
1 verbose cli 'opencv4nodejs',
1 verbose cli '--unsafe-perm=true',
1 verbose cli '--allow-root'
1 verbose cli ]
2 info using npm@6.14.5
3 info using node@v12.18.2
4 verbose config Skipping project config: /Users/xiaoyunfu/.npmrc. (matches userconfig)
5 verbose npm-session d2e6445dbcbe9527
6 silly install loadCurrentTree
7 silly install readLocalPackageData
8 http fetch GET 304 905ms (from cache)
9 silly pacote range manifest for opencv4nodejs@^5.6.0 fetched in 916ms
10 timing stage:loadCurrentTree Completed in 984ms
11 silly install loadIdealTree
12 silly install cloneCurrentTreeToIdealTree
13 timing stage:loadIdealTree:cloneCurrentTree Completed in 1ms
14 silly install loadShrinkwrap
15 timing stage:loadIdealTree:loadShrinkwrap Completed in 34ms
16 silly install loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree
17 silly resolveWithNewModule opencv4nodejs@5.6.0 checking installable status
18 silly removeObsoleteDep removing opencv4nodejs@5.6.0 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
19 silly removeObsoleteDep removing @types/node@14.14.10 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
20 silly removeObsoleteDep removing native-node-utils@0.2.7 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
21 silly removeObsoleteDep removing nan@2.14.2 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
22 silly removeObsoleteDep removing opencv-build@0.1.9 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
23 silly removeObsoleteDep removing npmlog@4.1.2 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
24 silly removeObsoleteDep removing are-we-there-yet@1.1.5 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
25 silly removeObsoleteDep removing delegates@1.0.0 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
26 silly removeObsoleteDep removing readable-stream@2.3.7 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
27 silly removeObsoleteDep removing core-util-is@1.0.2 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
28 silly removeObsoleteDep removing inherits@2.0.4 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
29 silly removeObsoleteDep removing isarray@1.0.0 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
30 silly removeObsoleteDep removing process-nextick-args@2.0.1 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
31 silly removeObsoleteDep removing safe-buffer@5.1.2 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
32 silly removeObsoleteDep removing string_decoder@1.1.1 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
33 silly removeObsoleteDep removing util-deprecate@1.0.2 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
34 silly removeObsoleteDep removing console-control-strings@1.1.0 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
35 silly removeObsoleteDep removing gauge@2.7.4 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
36 silly removeObsoleteDep removing aproba@1.2.0 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
37 silly removeObsoleteDep removing has-unicode@2.0.1 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
38 silly removeObsoleteDep removing object-assign@4.1.1 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
39 silly removeObsoleteDep removing signal-exit@3.0.3 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
40 silly removeObsoleteDep removing string-width@1.0.2 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
41 silly removeObsoleteDep removing code-point-at@1.1.0 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
42 silly removeObsoleteDep removing is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
43 silly removeObsoleteDep removing number-is-nan@1.0.1 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
44 silly removeObsoleteDep removing strip-ansi@3.0.1 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
45 silly removeObsoleteDep removing ansi-regex@2.1.1 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
46 silly removeObsoleteDep removing wide-align@1.1.3 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
47 silly removeObsoleteDep removing set-blocking@2.0.0 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required
48 http fetch GET 304 226ms (from cache)
49 silly pacote range manifest for nan@^2.14.0 fetched in 227ms
50 silly resolveWithNewModule nan@2.14.2 checking installable status
51 http fetch GET 304 598ms (from cache)
52 silly pacote range manifest for opencv-build@^0.1.9 fetched in 599ms
53 silly resolveWithNewModule opencv-build@0.1.9 checking installable status
54 http fetch GET 304 608ms (from cache)
55 silly pacote range manifest for npmlog@^4.1.2 fetched in 610ms
56 silly resolveWithNewModule npmlog@4.1.2 checking installable status
57 http fetch GET 304 622ms (from cache)
58 silly pacote range manifest for @types/node@>6 fetched in 628ms
59 silly resolveWithNewModule @types/node@14.14.10 checking installable status
60 http fetch GET 304 649ms (from cache)
61 silly pacote range manifest for native-node-utils@^0.2.7 fetched in 650ms
62 silly resolveWithNewModule native-node-utils@0.2.7 checking installable status
63 http fetch GET 304 215ms (from cache)
64 silly pacote range manifest for gauge@~2.7.3 fetched in 217ms
65 silly resolveWithNewModule gauge@2.7.4 checking installable status
66 http fetch GET 304 219ms (from cache)
67 http fetch GET 304 221ms (from cache)
68 http fetch GET 304 221ms (from cache)
69 silly pacote range manifest for console-control-strings@~1.1.0 fetched in 222ms
70 silly resolveWithNewModule console-control-strings@1.1.0 checking installable status
71 silly pacote range manifest for are-we-there-yet@~1.1.2 fetched in 224ms
72 silly resolveWithNewModule are-we-there-yet@1.1.5 checking installable status
73 silly pacote range manifest for set-blocking@~2.0.0 fetched in 222ms
74 silly resolveWithNewModule set-blocking@2.0.0 checking installable status
75 http fetch GET 304 215ms (from cache)
76 silly pacote range manifest for readable-stream@^2.0.6 fetched in 218ms
77 silly resolveWithNewModule readable-stream@2.3.7 checking installable status
78 http fetch GET 304 234ms (from cache)
79 silly pacote range manifest for delegates@^1.0.0 fetched in 234ms
80 silly resolveWithNewModule delegates@1.0.0 checking installable status
81 http fetch GET 304 228ms (from cache)
82 silly pacote range manifest for isarray@~1.0.0 fetched in 230ms
83 silly resolveWithNewModule isarray@1.0.0 checking installable status
84 http fetch GET 304 232ms (from cache)
85 silly pacote range manifest for core-util-is@~1.0.0 fetched in 234ms
86 silly resolveWithNewModule core-util-is@1.0.2 checking installable status
87 http fetch GET 304 233ms (from cache)
88 http fetch GET 304 234ms (from cache)
89 silly pacote range manifest for process-nextick-args@~2.0.0 fetched in 234ms
90 silly resolveWithNewModule process-nextick-args@2.0.1 checking installable status
91 silly pacote range manifest for inherits@~2.0.3 fetched in 235ms
92 silly resolveWithNewModule inherits@2.0.4 checking installable status
93 http fetch GET 304 247ms (from cache)
94 silly pacote range manifest for safe-buffer@~5.1.1 fetched in 248ms
95 silly resolveWithNewModule safe-buffer@5.1.2 checking installable status
96 http fetch GET 304 582ms (from cache)
97 silly pacote range manifest for string_decoder@~1.1.1 fetched in 583ms
98 silly resolveWithNewModule string_decoder@1.1.1 checking installable status
99 http fetch GET 304 617ms (from cache)
100 silly pacote range manifest for util-deprecate@~1.0.1 fetched in 618ms
101 silly resolveWithNewModule util-deprecate@1.0.2 checking installable status
102 http fetch GET 304 233ms (from cache)
103 http fetch GET 304 236ms (from cache)
104 silly pacote range manifest for wide-align@^1.1.0 fetched in 236ms
105 silly resolveWithNewModule wide-align@1.1.3 checking installable status
106 silly pacote range manifest for string-width@^1.0.1 fetched in 238ms
107 silly resolveWithNewModule string-width@1.0.2 checking installable status
108 http fetch GET 304 239ms (from cache)
109 silly pacote range manifest for signal-exit@^3.0.0 fetched in 241ms
110 silly resolveWithNewModule signal-exit@3.0.3 checking installable status
111 http fetch GET 304 242ms (from cache)
112 http fetch GET 304 244ms (from cache)
113 silly pacote range manifest for object-assign@^4.1.0 fetched in 244ms
114 silly resolveWithNewModule object-assign@4.1.1 checking installable status
115 silly pacote range manifest for aproba@^1.0.3 fetched in 246ms
116 silly resolveWithNewModule aproba@1.2.0 checking installable status
117 http fetch GET 304 245ms (from cache)
118 http fetch GET 304 245ms (from cache)
119 silly pacote range manifest for has-unicode@^2.0.0 fetched in 248ms
120 silly resolveWithNewModule has-unicode@2.0.1 checking installable status
121 silly pacote range manifest for strip-ansi@^3.0.1 fetched in 246ms
122 silly resolveWithNewModule strip-ansi@3.0.1 checking installable status
123 http fetch GET 304 205ms (from cache)
124 silly pacote range manifest for code-point-at@^1.0.0 fetched in 206ms
125 silly resolveWithNewModule code-point-at@1.1.0 checking installable status
126 http fetch GET 304 207ms (from cache)
127 silly pacote range manifest for is-fullwidth-code-point@^1.0.0 fetched in 208ms
128 silly resolveWithNewModule is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0 checking installable status
129 http fetch GET 304 224ms (from cache)
130 silly pacote range manifest for number-is-nan@^1.0.0 fetched in 224ms
131 silly resolveWithNewModule number-is-nan@1.0.1 checking installable status
132 http fetch GET 304 223ms (from cache)
133 silly pacote range manifest for ansi-regex@^2.0.0 fetched in 224ms
134 silly resolveWithNewModule ansi-regex@2.1.1 checking installable status
135 timing stage:loadIdealTree:loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree Completed in 2661ms
136 timing stage:loadIdealTree Completed in 2704ms
137 silly currentTree xiaoyunfu@1.0.0
137 silly currentTree ├── @types/node@14.14.10
137 silly currentTree ├── ansi-regex@2.1.1
137 silly currentTree ├── aproba@1.2.0
137 silly currentTree ├── are-we-there-yet@1.1.5
137 silly currentTree ├── code-point-at@1.1.0
137 silly currentTree ├── console-control-strings@1.1.0
137 silly currentTree ├── core-util-is@1.0.2
137 silly currentTree ├── delegates@1.0.0
137 silly currentTree ├── gauge@2.7.4
137 silly currentTree ├── has-unicode@2.0.1
137 silly currentTree ├── inherits@2.0.4
137 silly currentTree ├── is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0
137 silly currentTree ├── isarray@1.0.0
137 silly currentTree ├── nan@2.14.2
137 silly currentTree ├── native-node-utils@0.2.7
137 silly currentTree ├── npmlog@4.1.2
137 silly currentTree ├── number-is-nan@1.0.1
137 silly currentTree ├── object-assign@4.1.1
137 silly currentTree ├── process-nextick-args@2.0.1
137 silly currentTree ├── readable-stream@2.3.7
137 silly currentTree ├── safe-buffer@5.1.2
137 silly currentTree ├── set-blocking@2.0.0
137 silly currentTree ├── signal-exit@3.0.3
137 silly currentTree ├── string_decoder@1.1.1
137 silly currentTree ├── string-width@1.0.2
137 silly currentTree ├── strip-ansi@3.0.1
137 silly currentTree ├── util-deprecate@1.0.2
137 silly currentTree └── wide-align@1.1.3
138 silly idealTree xiaoyunfu@1.0.0
138 silly idealTree ├── @types/node@14.14.10
138 silly idealTree ├── ansi-regex@2.1.1
138 silly idealTree ├── aproba@1.2.0
138 silly idealTree ├── are-we-there-yet@1.1.5
138 silly idealTree ├── code-point-at@1.1.0
138 silly idealTree ├── console-control-strings@1.1.0
138 silly idealTree ├── core-util-is@1.0.2
138 silly idealTree ├── delegates@1.0.0
138 silly idealTree ├── gauge@2.7.4
138 silly idealTree ├── has-unicode@2.0.1
138 silly idealTree ├── inherits@2.0.4
138 silly idealTree ├── is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0
138 silly idealTree ├── isarray@1.0.0
138 silly idealTree ├── nan@2.14.2
138 silly idealTree ├── native-node-utils@0.2.7
138 silly idealTree ├── npmlog@4.1.2
138 silly idealTree ├── number-is-nan@1.0.1
138 silly idealTree ├── object-assign@4.1.1
138 silly idealTree ├── opencv-build@0.1.9
138 silly idealTree ├── opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
138 silly idealTree ├── process-nextick-args@2.0.1
138 silly idealTree ├── readable-stream@2.3.7
138 silly idealTree ├── safe-buffer@5.1.2
138 silly idealTree ├── set-blocking@2.0.0
138 silly idealTree ├── signal-exit@3.0.3
138 silly idealTree ├── string_decoder@1.1.1
138 silly idealTree ├── string-width@1.0.2
138 silly idealTree ├── strip-ansi@3.0.1
138 silly idealTree ├── util-deprecate@1.0.2
138 silly idealTree └── wide-align@1.1.3
139 silly install generateActionsToTake
140 timing stage:generateActionsToTake Completed in 5ms
141 silly diffTrees action count 2
142 silly diffTrees add opencv-build@0.1.9
143 silly diffTrees add opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
144 silly decomposeActions action count 16
145 silly decomposeActions fetch opencv-build@0.1.9
146 silly decomposeActions extract opencv-build@0.1.9
147 silly decomposeActions preinstall opencv-build@0.1.9
148 silly decomposeActions build opencv-build@0.1.9
149 silly decomposeActions install opencv-build@0.1.9
150 silly decomposeActions postinstall opencv-build@0.1.9
151 silly decomposeActions finalize opencv-build@0.1.9
152 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json opencv-build@0.1.9
153 silly decomposeActions fetch opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
154 silly decomposeActions extract opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
155 silly decomposeActions preinstall opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
156 silly decomposeActions build opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
157 silly decomposeActions install opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
158 silly decomposeActions postinstall opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
159 silly decomposeActions finalize opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
160 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
161 silly install executeActions
162 silly doSerial global-install 16
163 verbose correctMkdir /Users/xiaoyunfu/.npm/_locks correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
164 verbose lock using /Users/xiaoyunfu/.npm/_locks/staging-6a51d2f8729d5618.lock for /Users/xiaoyunfu/node_modules/.staging
165 silly doParallel extract 2
166 silly extract opencv-build@0.1.9
167 silly extract opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
168 silly tarball trying opencv-build@^0.1.9 by hash: sha512-tgT/bnJAcYROen9yaPynfK98IMl62mPSgMLmTx41911m5bczlq21xtE5r+UWLB/xEo/0hKk6tl5zHyxV/JS5Rg==
169 silly tarball trying opencv4nodejs@^5.6.0 by hash: sha512-JvcT1hb2JUCdntcVABgD9Gprr+gkXBe+jhHKvrr0Ug51y087K4ybm0vHBQVzI2ei1aJxEc9tNknPL9rpyx5Xuw==
170 silly extract opencv-build@^0.1.9 extracted to /Users/xiaoyunfu/node_modules/.staging/opencv-build-084882ed (44ms)
171 silly extract opencv4nodejs@^5.6.0 extracted to /Users/xiaoyunfu/node_modules/.staging/opencv4nodejs-a020f28a (189ms)
172 timing action:extract Completed in 191ms
173 silly doReverseSerial unbuild 16
174 silly doSerial remove 16
175 silly doSerial move 16
176 silly doSerial finalize 16
177 silly finalize /Users/xiaoyunfu/node_modules/opencv-build
178 silly finalize /Users/xiaoyunfu/node_modules/opencv4nodejs
179 timing action:finalize Completed in 3ms
180 silly doParallel refresh-package-json 2
181 silly refresh-package-json /Users/xiaoyunfu/node_modules/opencv-build
182 silly refresh-package-json /Users/xiaoyunfu/node_modules/opencv4nodejs
183 timing action:refresh-package-json Completed in 7ms
184 silly doParallel preinstall 2
185 silly preinstall opencv-build@0.1.9
186 info lifecycle opencv-build@0.1.9~preinstall: opencv-build@0.1.9
187 silly preinstall opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
188 info lifecycle opencv4nodejs@5.6.0~preinstall: opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
189 timing action:preinstall Completed in 1ms
190 silly doSerial build 16
191 silly build opencv-build@0.1.9
192 info linkStuff opencv-build@0.1.9
193 silly linkStuff opencv-build@0.1.9 has /Users/xiaoyunfu/node_modules as its parent node_modules
194 silly build opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
195 info linkStuff opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
196 silly linkStuff opencv4nodejs@5.6.0 has /Users/xiaoyunfu/node_modules as its parent node_modules
197 timing action:build Completed in 2ms
198 silly doSerial global-link 16
199 silly doParallel update-linked 0
200 silly doSerial install 16
201 silly install opencv-build@0.1.9
202 info lifecycle opencv-build@0.1.9~install: opencv-build@0.1.9
203 verbose lifecycle opencv-build@0.1.9~install: unsafe-perm in lifecycle true
204 verbose lifecycle opencv-build@0.1.9~install: PATH: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/node-gyp-bin:/Users/xiaoyunfu/node_modules/opencv-build/node_modules/.bin:/Users/xiaoyunfu/node_modules/.bin:/usr/local/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_181.jdk/Contents/Home/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands:::/Users/xiaoyunfu/Library/Android/sdk/tools:/Users/xiaoyunfu/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/6.4.0/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin
205 verbose lifecycle opencv-build@0.1.9~install: CWD: /Users/xiaoyunfu/node_modules/opencv-build
206 silly lifecycle opencv-build@0.1.9~install: Args: [ '-c', 'node ./install.js' ]
207 timing audit submit Completed in 446ms
208 http fetch POST 200 445ms
209 timing audit body Completed in 0ms
210 silly lifecycle opencv-build@0.1.9~install: Returned: code: 1 signal: null
211 info lifecycle opencv-build@0.1.9~install: Failed to exec install script
212 timing action:install Completed in 543126ms
213 verbose unlock done using /Users/xiaoyunfu/.npm/_locks/staging-6a51d2f8729d5618.lock for /Users/xiaoyunfu/node_modules/.staging
214 timing stage:rollbackFailedOptional Completed in 1360ms
215 timing stage:runTopLevelLifecycles Completed in 548409ms
216 silly saveTree xiaoyunfu@1.0.0
216 silly saveTree └─┬ opencv4nodejs@5.6.0
216 silly saveTree ├── @types/node@14.14.10
216 silly saveTree ├── nan@2.14.2
216 silly saveTree ├── native-node-utils@0.2.7
216 silly saveTree ├─┬ npmlog@4.1.2
216 silly saveTree │ ├─┬ are-we-there-yet@1.1.5
216 silly saveTree │ │ ├── delegates@1.0.0
216 silly saveTree │ │ └─┬ readable-stream@2.3.7
216 silly saveTree │ │ ├── core-util-is@1.0.2
216 silly saveTree │ │ ├── inherits@2.0.4
216 silly saveTree │ │ ├── isarray@1.0.0
216 silly saveTree │ │ ├── process-nextick-args@2.0.1
216 silly saveTree │ │ ├── safe-buffer@5.1.2
216 silly saveTree │ │ ├── string_decoder@1.1.1
216 silly saveTree │ │ └── util-deprecate@1.0.2
216 silly saveTree │ ├── console-control-strings@1.1.0
216 silly saveTree │ ├─┬ gauge@2.7.4
216 silly saveTree │ │ ├── aproba@1.2.0
216 silly saveTree │ │ ├── has-unicode@2.0.1
216 silly saveTree │ │ ├── object-assign@4.1.1
216 silly saveTree │ │ ├── signal-exit@3.0.3
216 silly saveTree │ │ ├─┬ string-width@1.0.2
216 silly saveTree │ │ │ ├── code-point-at@1.1.0
216 silly saveTree │ │ │ ├─┬ is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0
216 silly saveTree │ │ │ │ └── number-is-nan@1.0.1
216 silly saveTree │ │ │ └─┬ strip-ansi@3.0.1
216 silly saveTree │ │ │ └── ansi-regex@2.1.1
216 silly saveTree │ │ ├── strip-ansi@3.0.1
216 silly saveTree │ │ └── wide-align@1.1.3
216 silly saveTree │ └── set-blocking@2.0.0
216 silly saveTree └── opencv-build@0.1.9
217 warn xiaoyunfu@1.0.0 No description
218 warn xiaoyunfu@1.0.0 No repository field.
219 verbose stack Error: opencv-build@0.1.9 install: node ./install.js
219 verbose stack Exit status 1
219 verbose stack at EventEmitter.node ./install.js
228 error Exit status 1
229 error Failed at the opencv-build@0.1.9 install script.
229 error This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
230 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
Has anyone found a solution for this yet?
I am still seeing it:
[ 55%] Built target opencv_core
make: *** [all] Error 2
ERR! child process exited with code 2 (for more info, set '--loglevel silly')
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! opencv-build@0.1.9 install: node ./install.js
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the opencv-build@0.1.9 install script.
Has anyone found a solution for this yet?
I am still seeing it: [ 55%] Built target opencv_core make: *** [all] Error 2 ERR! child process exited with code 2 (for more info, set '--loglevel silly') npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! opencv-build@0.1.9 install:
node ./install.js
npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the opencv-build@0.1.9 install script.
what is your platform? if you have same problem in Win10. you should follow these steps:
npm install --global --production --verbose windows-build-tools
npm install -g opencv4nodejs
tips : windows-build-tools will install python2.7 in your environment , after that will take some time to install dependencies.
any issue ,pls contact
Wish you good luck.same issue for me. Does anyone have a solution? MacOS
832 verbose stack Error: opencv-build@0.1.9 install: node ./install.js
832 verbose stack Exit status 1
832 verbose stack at EventEmitter.
I am getting similar issue on MacOS, Can anyone please help??
I temporarily chose ‘Installing OpenCV Manually’ But I'm still curious why
npm install --save opencv4nodejs
not work
How did you mange to Install OpenCV Manually?
I am getting similar issue on MacOS, Can anyone please help??
hello,im facing the same question,have you figure out?
same issue for me. Does anyone have a solution? MacOS
832 verbose stack Error: opencv-build@0.1.9 install:
node ./install.js
832 verbose stack Exit status 1 832 verbose stack at EventEmitter. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/index.js:332:16) 832 verbose stack at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:315:20) 832 verbose stack at ChildProcess. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/lib/spawn.js:55:14) 832 verbose stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:315:20) 832 verbose stack at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1048:16) 832 verbose stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:288:5) 833 verbose pkgid opencv-build@0.1.9 hello,im facing the same question,have you figure out?
@Vikrant87-lego hello,im facing the same question,have you figure out?
i have the same issue , how to solve this
Hello, same here~
how solve it ㅠㅠ
I have the same issue :(
same problem here.
Same error here on macOS. Looks like the project is dead and the creator does not respond anymore :( If anyone found a solution, please share.
EDIT: I found the solution for my case here ->
I set the proper compiler flags with export CXXFLAGS="-std=c++14 -Wno-c++11-narrowing"
Then I ran npm install opencv4nodejs
I guess this could be the solution for all that get compile errors in various files. The make process will still output tons of warnings but eventually finish.
I'm facing the same issue, any help, please!
Error Message