justarrived / just-match-frontend

[ABANDONED] Frontend for JustMatch API
MIT License
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Text overflow for long strings in comments view #665

Closed buren closed 8 years ago

buren commented 8 years ago


I wanted to send an URL in a comment that was very long... (https://www.skatteverket.se/servicelankar/otherlanguages/inenglish/individualsandemployees/declaringtaxesforindividuals/howtofileyourtaxreturn.4.7be5268414bea064694c620.html) and the text overflows so there is now way to copy the link.

Use case: The user wants to follow a link pasted in a comment.

Severity: Can not perform action

URL: http://app.justarrived.se/#/jobs/9

How to recreate it

  1. Goto a job
  2. Past a very long string in a comment

Expected outcome

The string continues on the next line instead of overflowing.

Browser: Chrome (OSX)


screen shot 2016-06-26 at 16 25 05