justbuchanan / i3scripts

My scripts for enhancing i3wm
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Switching to external monitor with mouse changes visible workspace #24

Open tbrodbeck opened 5 years ago

tbrodbeck commented 5 years ago

This only happens when I use autorename_workspaces.py (I could not reproduce it whit i3-msg rename ...): When I use a dual monitor setup (I usually have my laptop screen below an hdmi-connected one) and I move my mouse from the laptop screen to the external screen with focus_follows_mouse enabled the leftmost workspace (with the lowest number) on the external screen gets selected (only happens then!! It does not when I use keyboard shortcuts/commands like $mod+up or i3-msg focus output HDMI1 ). This is really irritating and I have no idea why this happens. Right now I always have to keep my most important window as the one with the lowest number, to prevent this issue.

justbuchanan commented 5 years ago

I've actually noticed this on occasion too, but I haven't been able to narrow down what causes it. I'll play with it a bit more and see what I can figure out, but let me know if you have any ideas.


vinhocent commented 9 months ago

Did you ever find a solution to this?

tbrodbeck commented 8 months ago

@vinhocent Nope, unfortunately I am not on Linux anymore.