justbuchanan / i3scripts

My scripts for enhancing i3wm
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Issue with renaming workspaces #6

Closed inql closed 6 years ago

inql commented 6 years ago

Hello, im very impressed about your i3 autoname script, but i've got a problem, while using it with polybar. I've changed my i3 config file to: bindsym $mod+1 workspace number 1

And when i create my new workspace, everything works just fine. But when i run any process it shows up as following:


It's pretty annoying, because i have to remember number of the workspace to navigate them efficiently.

My polybar i3 module is set to show '%name' of the workspace. Any ideas? I can send more information if needed. I really would like to deal with it on my own, but my knowledge about python is pretty basic :)

Have a nice day!

justbuchanan commented 6 years ago

@inql I see you closed this - were you able to figure it out? I'm curious to know what fixed it :)

inql commented 6 years ago

just set in my polybar to show %index% : %name% it shows workspaces as workspace num : workspace num - like 1 : 1 when theres no processes there, but when i run something it works pretty cool. Maybe i will be able to fix that in future, but im new to i3wm and generally linux (it's like 6 month since i start using linux and im using i3wm for a month) :)

justbuchanan commented 6 years ago

Sounds great! Glad it's working for you.