justbuchanan / i3scripts

My scripts for enhancing i3wm
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Working with another WM's and another fonts #9

Closed edn9 closed 6 years ago

edn9 commented 6 years ago

Hello Dev! First of all thank you for the script, its so good to see my WM bar working just like a regular DE bar.

I want to know if its possible to this script work with another WM's, like 2bwm n stuff. Also I have Icomoon, and I find a way to make it work properly, not with everything but at last its working. Did I miss something? How do I make to use every icon?

Thanks for the work! https://icomoon.io/

MPV with Icomoon font: http://i.imgur.com/NAx9bKs.png http://i.imgur.com/RnR6kGz.png

edn9 commented 6 years ago

Ps: I want to make new fonts for programs like gimp, krita, qutebrowser, etc, can my draws work as a icon too?

justbuchanan commented 6 years ago

Hi @necronoise, glad you've found this useful!

It should be possible to make this script work with other WM's like 2bwm, but it will take some work to adapt it. This script uses i3ipc as a mechanism for talking to i3. It's used to listen for window events and to set the titles/icons in the status bar. If you want to adapt this script to a different WM, you'll likely need an equivalent of i3ipc that's specific to that WM.

Cool to see that you got icomoon working! Can you clarify what issues you're having when trying to add icons for gimp, krita, etc? It should work fine as long as you get the window names for those programs (see the comment about WM_CLASS in autoname_workspaces.py).

edn9 commented 6 years ago

The 2bwm use xtitle, do I need to know advanced python programming skills to make it work? I'm really low level at it.

About the Icons I want to use and make new icons too, but looks like only "" work, hmm. http://i.imgur.com/jL0LXPy.png

edn9 commented 6 years ago

Just a lil update, I'm finally found how to make fonts and everything its working 100% with your script! Thanks again. :)

Now I just need to have a time to make it work with anothers WM.

justbuchanan commented 6 years ago

Great, glad to hear you got the fonts working!

I haven't used 2bwm before, so I'm afraid I'm not much help there :/. From a quick look at the github repo, I don't think 2bwm provides any sort of ipc interface (although I could be wrong). The ipc interface that i3 provides makes it easy for my python script to ask i3 things like "which window is currently focused?", "list all windows on all workspaces", and "let me know when window is created or deleted". Without 2bwm providing a similar interface, it would be very difficult to get something like this python script to work.

edn9 commented 6 years ago

Thank you! And damn, well, I gotta check it with careful, I'm luck to have a lot of friends who use other WM's so I will try to get some help too.

justbuchanan commented 6 years ago

No problem, and best of luck!