justcaliturner / simple-code-editor

Simple code editor for Vue.js
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While the :line-nums is on it will cause this #42

Open gordenfl opened 8 months ago

gordenfl commented 8 months ago

ERROR Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'firstChild') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'firstChild') at Proxy.getLineNum (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[0]!./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js??ruleSet[0].use[0]!./node_modules/simple-code-editor/CodeEditor.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js:231:52) at Proxy.updated (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[0]!./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js??ruleSet[0].use[0]!./node_modules/simple-code-editor/CodeEditor.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js:252:14) at callWithErrorHandling (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:6651:18) at callWithAsyncErrorHandling (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:6659:17) at hook.weh.hook.weh (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:2120:19) at flushPostFlushCbs (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:6838:41) at flushJobs (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:6880:5)

GiusWhite commented 7 months ago

I have the same problem when I set wrap to true

Here is the line that cause the error: const singleLineHeight = this.$refs.lineNums.firstChild.offsetHeight;

cyrilf commented 5 months ago

Same issue here..

In the method getLineNum

If the height is not set to auto then:

const singleLineHeight = this.$refs.lineNums.firstChild.offsetHeight;
const heightNum = parseInt(this.textareaHeight / singleLineHeight) - 1;`

will fail and result in NaN. For me, this happen, when my v-model changes.

For now, my workaround is to remove my height property and use max-height instead. But by default, the max-height doesn't work either.. I had to add overflowY: auto manually. Luckily there is already a PR #32 to fix this! :raised_hands:

coofercat commented 3 months ago

I also have a problem with :line-nums being on, but with mine, I get an error in the (dev) browser window:

ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications.

My browser console also has an additional warning:

Layout was forced before the page was fully loaded. If stylesheets are not yet loaded this may cause a flash of unstyled content.

If I set :line-nums="false" then none of this happens.

I haven't yet done anything else, so no custom CSS or other props being passed (which reminds me that the content is 'undefined' - makes no difference to this problem if I define it or not though)

I'm using Firefox 123.0.1, on a Mac, with the Vue app running in an NPM server in development mode.