justchokingaround / jerry

watch anime with automatic anilist syncing and other cool stuff
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Program "mpv" not found. Please install it. #67

Open ninko76 opened 2 months ago

ninko76 commented 2 months ago

When I try to run jerry it says that I do not have mpv installed. I have it installed with scoop but it seems like jerry does not detect it. Please help

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

jerry -e and change the player to be player=mpv.exe

ninko76 commented 2 months ago

Screenshot 2024-05-01 095540 Worked but now when i type jerry it thinks for a second then goes back to enter command. I did get the anime selector when I typed: jerry -l spanish cyberpunk edgerunners --number 2 --json but after selectinga show nothing happened.

YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago

Mine has the same error, but not even adding the full path is working player="NOTSHOWINGFORSECURITYREASONS\scoop\apps\mpv\current\mpv.exe".

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

youre not supposed to specify the full path, just mpv.exe

YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago

yeah, but this was my last try I tried "mpv.exe", "mpv" and "Full path".

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

oh wait i just realized you're running it from System32. just run cd in your terminal, and then try running jerry again, it should find the player in path just fine then

YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago

im not the op of this post im running mine in my user but the same error occurs even if im in the same dir that jerry is in. jerryTest

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

try adding bash to windows terminal


YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago

Did everything you said. image

YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago

And here is how mine .config is. image

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

can you update to the latest version, it should be fixed now: jerry -u (run ur terminal as admin first)

YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago

Oh sorry my bad. I got it, my mistake now it is working sorry.

Thank U <3

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

i just pushed the code 2 mins ago, no worries. it's a bug i didn't notice before. @ninko76 can you check my previous comment and lmk if it fixed your issue?

YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago

well it works now but i think mpv is still not working (for me). image

And when i go to update it says: image

For context i did in powershell first git bash appears and close really fast i cannot even print it.

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

oh yeah wait, i somehow fucked up a previous commit i think lol. also you should rename jerry.sh to jerry in path mv /usr/bin/jerry.sh /usr/bin/jerry

YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago

This wont cause a bug? image

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

it shouldn't

YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago


justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

idk how powershell works so i can't help u much with that. if u use it from the windows terminal with bash, then i can help. also i just fixed the mpv bug, it should work fine now

YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago

Oh okay yeah in bash works fine at least the jerry thing im going to update it. image

YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago

I have a question, in my powershell i can call mpv and it shows me that its there: image But in bash it gives me this: image

Or am I just writing wrong for bash.

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

what you can do is just symlink mpv.exe to mpv in bash, since you installed it with scoop. ln -sf $(which mpv.exe) /usr/bin/mpv

YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago

I did what you told me to and yes mpv now is working on bash the jerry is not giving the mpv not found. image But still does not work. (I tried to change "mpv.exe" for "mpv" none worked) And none give me the mpv not found error.

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

can u send me the last snippet of the log so i can check where it fails? just don't accidentally leak your anilist token.

sh -x $(which jerry)
YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago

barbo@DESKTOP-9F2VUN1 MINGW64 ~/bin $ sh -x $(which jerry)

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

oh, ure not logged in properly, something failed. do rm -rf ~/.local/share/jerry and try to login again

YuuOrKillua commented 2 months ago

Oh i did is working now that option did not apear the last time i tried could be because i did it in powershell?

Well thank you for helping me.

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

yeah it could be. ps causes unexpected behavior and im not knowledgeable enough to explain why some stuff may or may not happen when using it

ninko76 commented 2 months ago

i just pushed the code 2 mins ago, no worries. it's a bug i didn't notice before. @ninko76 can you check my previous comment and lmk if it fixed your issue?

It's still the same, should I reinstall it somehow? Screenshot 2024-05-03 110524

ninko76 commented 2 months ago

Or is there a log I can get you?

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

yeah just run sh -x $(which jerry) and send me the last part (make sure u don't send ur token)

justchokingaround commented 2 months ago

so i deleted your comment bc it contained your token @ninko76 (it appears several times in the log, so just removing it the first time isnt enough). it looks like the authentication fails and ur user_id is empty. try resetting ur credentials entirely, i think that should fix the problem. rm -rf ~/.local/share/jerry and then just run jerry again and follow its instructions

Qerewe commented 1 month ago

I had the same problem as original OP with the current version (1.9.9 currently). It worked perfectly until I tried adding the discordpresence.py, which required me to make a config file, and it started giving the same "mpv not found" error after setting it up. I tried setting discord presence back to false in the config file and deleting the .py file but it kept not working. I was able to fix it by going to the .config folder and deleting the jerry folder. It seems just the existence of the config file made it not work