justcla / KeyBindings

Installs alternative keyboard mapping schemes to work with Visual Studio. Provides rich hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts.
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Rename key shortcuts is invalid #27

Open rainbowechoes opened 2 months ago

rainbowechoes commented 2 months ago

Hi Justcla,

you create a very useful and wonderful project. but when I used this extension, I met a problem.

I chose the IntelliJ IDEA settings, and the key shortcuts of rename also changed to Shift + F6, but when I use this shortcut, it don't work. but the others can work. I don't know why, could you help me?

justcla commented 2 months ago

Thanks. I'm glad you like the tool.

I'll investigate why the rename shortcut isn't working.

justcla commented 2 months ago

I tested the extension with the latest Visual Studio 2022 and it worked as expect in both Text Editor and Solution Explorer. Check that both shortcuts are assigned to Shift+F6 in Tools->Options->Keyboard.


rainbowechoes commented 2 months ago

I also updated my visual studio to the latest version, but I can't input the shortcut keys. like this:


justcla commented 2 months ago

To input all the shortcuts for the IntelliJ mapping, load them from the menu items. Tools->Keyboard Shortcuts-> Load Shortcuts->IntelliJ IDEA image

You should get a dialog that shows all the shortcuts that will be imported. image

And once you've imported them, you should find them showing in the Settings box (Tools->Options; Environment->Keyboard)

rainbowechoes commented 2 months ago

yeah, that's exactly what I did.

but I can't input Shift to shortcut keys, but others are OK, like Esc or Ctrl. very wired. image

justcla commented 2 months ago

I suspect the problem is not with the imported shortcuts. It sounds like you have an issue with the Shift key. Perhaps your keyboard is broken. Maybe the issue is only with SHIFT+(Fnc-keys). Try testing the shift key with other keys, like Shift+A. Try using the shift key inside the editor. Try it outside VS.

If you can't verify the shortcuts in the "Press shortcut keys" box, try using the "Show commands containing" box. Search for "Refactor.Rename" and select the item when it's found. Drop down the "Shortcuts for selected command:" field and you should see "Shift+F6 (Text Editor)"


rainbowechoes commented 2 months ago

I'm sure my SHIFT is OK. because CTRL + SHIFT + F shortcut is working.

I did some tests, like this:

  1. same keyboard, use CTRL + ALT + S shortcut, worked on laptop, didn't work on desktop computer
  2. differrent keyboard, CTRL + SHIFT + F is working for all, but SHIFT + F6 is not working for all. the SHIFT + F6 has binding to Refactor.Rename

the both of keyboard are not Microsoft keyboard. I remember CTRL + ALT + S and SHIFT + F6 are working on company Microsoft keyboard, but not sure. I will check it when I go to company.

maybe Microsoft hope us to use their keyboard, or it's an issue of VS.

justcla commented 2 months ago

I use a Logitech keyboard and the shortcuts work for me.

There might be another application on your machine that is taking control of some shortcuts. There are some Microsoft Office global shortcuts that interfere. And also Nvidia has some global shortcuts that interfere. Maybe you have Nvidia on your desktop. Check the settings and look for shortcuts.