justcla / KeyBindings

Installs alternative keyboard mapping schemes to work with Visual Studio. Provides rich hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts.
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Resharper (VS/IDEA style) Alt-Enter doesn't work as intended. #8

Closed mundusnine closed 5 years ago

mundusnine commented 7 years ago

Desired: Show potential fixes.

Got: Refocuses(selects the tab like when you click on it) to the Properties tab.

justcla commented 7 years ago

Which version of VS are you running? Alt+Enter defaults to Properties tab in VS2015 in some schemes. Either way, it sounds like the ReSharper keyboard scheme isn't installed or activated properly. What scheme is showing in Tools->Options, Keyboard?

mundusnine commented 7 years ago

VS 2017 - I tried both in ctrl+alt+s. Ctrl+ R, R works so I think it works partially

justcla commented 7 years ago

Not necessarily. Ctrl+R, R is in the default mapping.

Question: What scheme is showing in Tools->Options, Keyboard? In the first drop-down (Keyboard mapping scheme).

If it says "(Default)" then the scheme has not been applied, which would explain the behavior you're seeing.

mundusnine commented 7 years ago

I changed the key shemes to Resharper(VS style) for C# and Resharper (Idea style ) for C#.

justcla commented 5 years ago

I have discovered that changing the mapping scheme via the menu items on the Keyboard Shortcuts Manager does not persist across sessions. (I don't know why. The engineers I spoke to didn't know why, either.) As such, it's best to change the mapping scheme via the regular dialog in Tools->Options;Keyboard.