Closed dq-alhq closed 3 months ago
'use client' import React from 'react' import { animate, AnimatePresence, type Inertia, motion, useMotionTemplate, useMotionValue, useMotionValueEvent, useTransform } from 'framer-motion' import { Button, type ButtonProps, Dialog, type DialogProps, Heading, type HeadingProps, Modal, ModalOverlay } from 'react-aria-components' import { DialogClose, DialogDescription } from './dialog' import { cn } from './primitive' const inertiaTransition: Inertia = { type: 'inertia', bounceStiffness: 300, bounceDamping: 40, timeConstant: 300 } const staticTransition = { duration: 0.5, ease: [0.32, 0.72, 0, 1] } const drawerMargin = 40 const drawerRadius = 32 interface DrawerContextType { isOpen: boolean openDrawer: () => void closeDrawer: () => void withNotch?: boolean } const DrawerContext = React.createContext<DrawerContextType | undefined>(undefined) const useDrawerContext = () => { const context = React.useContext(DrawerContext) if (context === undefined) { throw new Error('useDrawerContext must be used within a Drawer') } return context } const ModalPrimitive = motion(Modal) const ModalOverlayPrimitive = motion(ModalOverlay) const DrawerOverlayPrimitive = (props: React.ComponentProps<typeof ModalOverlayPrimitive>) => { const { closeDrawer, withNotch } = useDrawerContext() const [contentHeight, setContentHeight] = React.useState(0) const h = Math.min(contentHeight + drawerMargin, window.innerHeight - drawerMargin) const y = useMotionValue(h) const bgOpacity = useTransform(y, [0, h], [0.5, 0]) const bg = useMotionTemplate`rgba(0, 0, 0, ${bgOpacity})` const root = document.getElementsByTagName('main')[0] as HTMLElement const bodyScale = useTransform( y, [0, h], [(window.innerWidth - drawerMargin) / window.innerWidth, 1] ) const bodyTranslate = useTransform(y, [0, h], [drawerMargin - drawerRadius, 0]) const bodyBorderRadius = useTransform(y, [0, h], [drawerRadius, 0]) useMotionValueEvent(bodyScale, 'change', (v: any) => ( = `${v}`)) useMotionValueEvent(bodyTranslate, 'change', (v: any) => ( = `0 ${v}px`)) useMotionValueEvent(bodyBorderRadius, 'change', (v) => ( = `${v}px`)) return ( <> <ModalOverlayPrimitive isOpen onOpenChange={closeDrawer} className="fixed inset-0 z-50" style={{ backgroundColor: bg as any }} > <motion.section aria-hidden onTap={closeDrawer} className="fixed inset-0 backdrop-blur-sm" initial="collapsed" animate="open" exit="collapsed" variants={{ open: { opacity: 1 }, collapsed: { opacity: 0 } }} transition={{ duration: 0.4, ease: [0.04, 0.62, 0.23, 0.98] }} /> <ModalPrimitive className={cn( 'absolute bottom-0 w-full rounded-t-2xl bg-tertiary shadow-lg ring-1 ring-fg/10', props.className )} initial={{ y: h }} animate={{ y: 0 }} exit={{ y: h }} transition={staticTransition} style={{ y, top: 'auto', height: contentHeight > 0 ? `${contentHeight + drawerMargin}px` : 'auto', maxHeight: `calc(100% - ${drawerMargin}px)` }} drag="y" dragConstraints={{ top: 0, bottom: h }} onDragEnd={(_e, { offset, velocity }) => { if (offset.y > h * 0.5 || velocity.y > 10) { closeDrawer() } else { animate(y, 0, { ...inertiaTransition, min: 0, max: 0 }) } }} {...props} > <> {withNotch && <div className="notch mx-auto mt-2 h-1.5 w-10 rounded-full bg-fg/20" />} <div ref={(el) => { if (el) { const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => { for (const entry of entries) { setContentHeight(entry.contentRect.height) } }) resizeObserver.observe(el) return () => resizeObserver.disconnect() } }} > {props.children as React.ReactNode} </div> </> </ModalPrimitive> </ModalOverlayPrimitive> </> ) } interface DrawerContentPrimitiveProps extends Omit<React.ComponentProps<typeof Modal>, 'children'> { children?: DialogProps['children'] } const DrawerContentPrimitive = (props: DrawerContentPrimitiveProps) => { const { isOpen } = useDrawerContext() const h = window.innerHeight - drawerMargin const y = useMotionValue(h) const bodyScale = useTransform( y, [0, h], [(window.innerWidth - drawerMargin) / window.innerWidth, 1] ) const bodyTranslate = useTransform(y, [0, h], [drawerMargin - drawerRadius, 0]) const bodyBorderRadius = useTransform(y, [0, h], [drawerRadius, 0]) return ( <motion.div style={{ scale: bodyScale, borderRadius: bodyBorderRadius, y: bodyTranslate, transformOrigin: 'center 0' }} > <AnimatePresence>{isOpen && <>{props.children}</>}</AnimatePresence> </motion.div> ) } const DrawerTrigger = (props: ButtonProps) => { const { openDrawer } = useDrawerContext() return <Button onPress={openDrawer} {...props} /> } interface DrawerProps { children: React.ReactNode isOpen?: boolean withNotch?: boolean onOpenChange?: (isOpen: boolean) => void } const Drawer = ({ children, withNotch = true, isOpen: controlledIsOpen, onOpenChange }: DrawerProps) => { const [internalIsOpen, setInternalIsOpen] = React.useState(false) const isControlled = controlledIsOpen !== undefined const isOpen = isControlled ? controlledIsOpen : internalIsOpen React.useEffect(() => { if (isControlled && onOpenChange) { onOpenChange(isOpen) } }, [isOpen, isControlled, onOpenChange]) const openDrawer = () => { if (isControlled && onOpenChange) { onOpenChange(true) } else { setInternalIsOpen(true) } } const closeDrawer = () => { if (isControlled && onOpenChange) { onOpenChange(false) } else { setInternalIsOpen(false) } } if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return null } return ( <DrawerContext.Provider value={{ isOpen, openDrawer, closeDrawer, withNotch }}> {children} </DrawerContext.Provider> ) } const DrawerContent = ({ children, className, ...props }: React.ComponentProps<typeof DrawerContentPrimitive>) => { return ( <DrawerContentPrimitive> <DrawerOverlayPrimitive {...props}> <Dialog className="mx-auto flex max-w-3xl flex-col justify-between overflow-y-auto px-4 pt-4 outline-none"> {(values) => <>{typeof children === 'function' ? children(values) : children}</>} </Dialog> </DrawerOverlayPrimitive> </DrawerContentPrimitive> ) } const DrawerHeader = ({ className, ...props }: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>) => ( <div className={cn('flex flex-col gap-y-1 text-center sm:text-left', className)} {...props} /> ) const DrawerTitle = ({ className, ...props }: HeadingProps) => ( <Heading slot="title" className={cn('text-lg font-semibold leading-none tracking-tight', className)} {...props} /> ) const DrawerDescription = DialogDescription const DrawerBody = ({ className, ...props }: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>) => ( <div className={cn('flex-1 overflow-y-auto overflow-x-hidden py-4', className)} {...props} /> ) const DrawerFooter = ({ className, ...props }: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>) => ( <div className={cn( 'flex shrink-0 pb-1 flex-col-reverse gap-2 sm:flex-row sm:justify-between [&_button:first-child:nth-last-child(1)]:w-full', className )} {...props} /> ) const DrawerClose = (props: React.ComponentProps<typeof DialogClose>) => { return <DialogClose shape="circle" {...props} /> } export { Drawer, DrawerBody, DrawerClose, DrawerContent, DrawerDescription, DrawerFooter, DrawerHeader, DrawerTitle, DrawerTrigger }
@dq-alhq Can you make a pr ?
It'll closed as the pr #146 146
Modify Drawer to fit the content height, backdrop scale and blur effect and close drawer on background tap
state to track the height of the content.ResizeObserver
to dynamically update thecontentHeight
when the content changes.h
calculation to use thecontentHeight
style to use the dynamic height based oncontentHeight
to use the dynamic height.ModalPrimitive
now uses thecontentHeight
, with a fallback to 'auto' whencontentHeight
is 0.maxHeight
constraint to ensure the drawer doesn't exceed the screen height.useMotionValueEvent
to scale the body down when drawer is open.motion.section
to create backdrop blur effect and function to close the drawer when background tap or clicked