This pr adds a feature for users to clock in or clock out at a specific time, instead of at the current time. Sample commands below
/clock in 9:30am
/clock out 11:30pm
/clock in 3:15pm
/clock out 10:00pm
This pr also includes several other important changes.
Trigger added to TimeEntry__c object to make sure all start and end times are truncated down to the minute, discarding any second or millisecond values. This also fixes an issue with times entered via Salesforce1 being stored with a second value even though the second value cannot be specified.
Clocking in and clocking out now both require a Contact record for the Slack user to exist. If one does not exist at the time the command is executed, one is created along with an account.
The Contact.TimeZoneSidKey__c field is used to store a Slack user's time zone, used for clocking in and clocking out right now
This pr adds a feature for users to clock in or clock out at a specific time, instead of at the current time. Sample commands below
This pr also includes several other important changes.
object to make sure all start and end times are truncated down to the minute, discarding any second or millisecond values. This also fixes an issue with times entered via Salesforce1 being stored with a second value even though the second value cannot be specified.Contact
record for the Slack user to exist. If one does not exist at the time the command is executed, one is created along with an account.Contact.TimeZoneSidKey__c
field is used to store a Slack user's time zone, used for clocking in and clocking out right now