justinarat / Teamify

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Page Functionalities / User stories #23

Open justinarat opened 2 months ago

justinarat commented 2 months ago

Page Functionalities / User Stories



Lobby Searching

Lobby View

Lobby making view/pop up

Account Creation

Games View


My Lobbies

Other functionality

New pages we might need

FAljanobi commented 2 months ago

first time writing user stories so dont judge pls using 'As a (person/company), I (want to), (so that)' as a template

as an admin, i want to be able to access a users chat logs to see if they are misusing them as an admin, i want to be able to see what time a user creates a lobby so i can tell if they are spamming lobbies as a user, i want to be able to search lobbies with the times showing my timezone, so i dont have to convert timezones to figure out if i can join or not. as a user i want to be able to search lobbies by which platform they are on so i can join a lobby that plays on a device i have. as a user i want to be able to search lobbies that dont have certain tags so i can avoid scrolling through lobbies that play in a way i dont like as a user i want to get a confirmation email when i make an account so that no one steals my email to make an account as an admin i want emails to be one to one with accounts so we can ban misbehaving users by email