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Convert Lobby Making form to Flask - Requires Issue #25 to be complete #45

Closed JohnGiampaolo closed 1 month ago

JohnGiampaolo commented 2 months ago

Requires Issue #25 to be complete Make sure form is secure, validate form, use Jinja etc.

JohnGiampaolo commented 2 months ago

The Lobby Making form has been implemented with functionalities that allow for checkboxes, radio buttons etc., to spawn more input fields in the form. I think this is going to be an issue in the conversion to a flask form as this will present a lot of complications in dynamically allocating fields to the flask form. So I think fields that were previously shown as optional (such as enabling skill level) might have to be mandatory.

JohnGiampaolo commented 2 months ago

Update: Lobby Making Flask Form will have to be a hybrid of flask and javascript due to the nature of dynamically allocated input fields. There are some fields that are permanently in the form such as the game description and capacity, but other fields such as tags may not exist unless the user chooses to create/add one. The dynamically created input fields will be passed to flask through hidden field potentially?

JohnGiampaolo commented 1 month ago

Another issue with flask form fields: When selecting the game title, the user would have a dropdown menu of all games available. Converting this to flask form is not as easy as, for example:

{{ login_form.email.label }}
{{ login_form.email() }}
JohnGiampaolo commented 1 month ago

We probably want to lock this page behind registered user privileges

justinarat commented 1 month ago

We probably want to lock this page behind registered user privileges

Yeah that's implemented in i39, the link doesn't render if not logged in.