justincmendes / pd-bot

Personal Development Bot for Habit Tracking, Journaling, Accountability, and Documenting Self-Improvement progress
MIT License
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Send Text File Attached to Embed (with Paperclip Reaction) #22

Open justincmendes opened 4 years ago

justincmendes commented 4 years ago

Helps #21

Create function to allow the user to get a text file of their wanted data (after a getUserConfirmation()). Since sending directly use awaitReactions() OR consider using partials - this will allow the code to continue on without awaiting.

When a user reacts, if it is a paperclip send them the respective file for given message

Parameters: embedMessage instructions? = "Briefly explain how to this embed works!"

justincmendes commented 4 years ago

Ensure that the attached file is connected to the given message beyond any bot resets by storing it in MongoDB, if the message gets deleted, then deleted the instance in the database - using an event handler.