justinfrankel / licecap

LICEcap simple animated screen capture tool for Windows and OS X
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It should be paused when start #29

Open askie opened 6 years ago

askie commented 6 years ago

when start, chose a file, and then It starting to record, but sometimes I have to move the screen or play video to start and then to start record.

Is auto paused when start record?

esaruoho commented 6 years ago

Mirrored to https://github.com/dialex/licecap-CE/issues/7 (the active repo)

juanuys commented 2 years ago

@esaruoho The provided link is 404.

I agree with the OP. Even better would be: when you click on record, just start recording immediately, and only when you click stop, then ask for a filename to save to. It's an orchestration nightmare, otherwise.

esaruoho commented 2 years ago

@esaruoho The provided link is 404.

there was a time when licecap was no longer active, so there was a brief fork. now it's active again, so the url would no longer work i guess because the fork has been deleted.