justinj / vim-react-snippets

Vim version of the snippets from jgebhardt/sublime-react
Apache License 2.0
128 stars 49 forks source link

how i use these snippet if i already using ultisnips instead snipmate ? #6

Open mirzalazuardi opened 9 years ago

mirzalazuardi commented 9 years ago

Hey @justinj , i really appreciate your work. I hope it will evolve in the future.

how i use these snippet if i already using ultisnips instead snipmate ? i already using vundle

justinj commented 9 years ago

Hey, I think they should work just like any other UltiSnips plugin, though I will admit to not knowing exactly how that is. There was supported added in this PR, can you let me know if it doesn't seem to work?