justinjm / googleCloudAutoMLTablesR

R package for interacting with Google Cloud AutoML Tables API
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use case - scheduled batch prediction with googleCloudRunner #11

Open justinjm opened 4 years ago

justinjm commented 4 years ago

Use case

Deploying an R script that makes batch prediction (from automl tables API) with say the latest batch of GA360 data in GCS/BQ then writes output to GCS.


Inspired by Mark's great work on googleCloud Runner:

Mark said: Working through use cases now for googleCloudRunner, got a nice function that quickly schedules any R script https://code.markedmondson.me/googleCloudRunner/reference/cr_deploy_r.html (or you can create build triggers that react to GitHub pushes and runs R or any language if you like)

Mark said: An example of a pubsub plumber API here https://github.com/MarkEdmondson1234/googleCloudRunner/issues/8