justinmayer / virtualfish

Fish shell tool for managing Python virtual environments
MIT License
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`vf install` should quote paths #252

Closed cthoyt closed 6 days ago

cthoyt commented 1 week ago


I installed virtualfish using the following:

$ uv tool install virtualfish
$ vf install

Then, I got the following error when either trying to re-source or open a new terminal:

$ exec fish
source: Error encountered while sourcing file '/Users/cthoyt/Library/Application':
source: No such file or directory

I took a look in my ~/.config/fish/conf.d/virtualfish-loader.fish which had the following:

set -g VIRTUALFISH_PYTHON_EXEC /Users/cthoyt/Library/Application Support/uv/tools/virtualfish/bin/python
source /Users/cthoyt/Library/Application Support/uv/tools/virtualfish/lib/python3.11/site-packages/virtualfish/virtual.fish
emit virtualfish_did_setup_plugins

Manual Fix

I was able to fix the issue and return virtualfish to normal working order by quoting the file paths in the second and third lines as in the following:

set -g VIRTUALFISH_PYTHON_EXEC "/Users/cthoyt/Library/Application Support/uv/tools/virtualfish/bin/python"
source "/Users/cthoyt/Library/Application Support/uv/tools/virtualfish/lib/python3.11/site-packages/virtualfish/virtual.fish"
emit virtualfish_did_setup_plugins

Requested update

I think that virtualfish's install command can be improved to determine when quoting is necessary on a path that has spaces, such as ones on MacOS where the python binary might be inside an Application Support subfolder

The two lines to update for my specific situation


And related, for any plugins:
