I worked up typescript typings for this component, but I'm having some temporary trouble getting them into DefinitelyTyped. Posting them here in the interim for others to steal until I get that worked out. Note the onVolumeChanged spelling, which is probably a cosmetic bug in react-audio-player.
declare module 'react-audio-player' {
import { Component, HTMLProps, Ref, SyntheticEvent } from 'react';
type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
export interface ReactAudioPlayerProps extends Omit<HTMLProps<HTMLAudioElement>, "ref"> {
autoPlay?: boolean;
children?: Element[];
className?: string;
controls?: boolean;
crossOrigin?: string;
controlsList?: string;
id?: string;
loop?: boolean;
muted?: boolean;
volume?: number;
preload?: '' | 'none' | 'metadata' | 'auto';
src?: string;
style?: {};
ref?: Ref<ReactAudioPlayer>;
listenInterval?: number;
onListen?: (currentTime: number) => void;
// HTMLProps has onVolumeChange (not past tense). This covers the
// alternate spelling used by this component.
onVolumeChanged?: (e: SyntheticEvent<HTMLAudioElement, Event>) => void;
export default class ReactAudioPlayer extends Component<ReactAudioPlayerProps, any> {
readonly audioEl: HTMLAudioElement;
If you don't care about typescript you can close this out right away. It should be findable with a quick search regardless.
I worked up typescript typings for this component, but I'm having some temporary trouble getting them into DefinitelyTyped. Posting them here in the interim for others to steal until I get that worked out. Note the onVolumeChanged spelling, which is probably a cosmetic bug in react-audio-player.
If you don't care about typescript you can close this out right away. It should be findable with a quick search regardless.