Closed skywind3000 closed 6 years ago
Just need a good mapping..
For example?
FWIW, I use this code:
In ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/dirvish.vim
nno <buffer><nowait><silent> !m :<c-u>call my_dirvish#show_metadata('manual')<cr>
nno <buffer><nowait><silent> !M :<c-u>call my_dirvish#show_metadata('auto')<cr>
let b:undo_ftplugin = get(b:, 'undo_ftplugin', '')
\ .(empty(get(b:, 'undo_ftplugin', '')) ? '' : '|')
\ ."
\ unlet! b:my_dirvish_last_line
\ | exe 'sil! au! dirvish_show_metadata * <buffer>'
\ | exe 'nunmap <buffer> !m'
\ | exe 'nunmap <buffer> !M'
\ "
In ~/.vim/autoload/my_dirvish.vim
fu! my_dirvish#show_metadata(mode) abort
if a:mode is# 'auto'
if !exists('#dirvish_show_metadata')
call s:auto_metadata()
augroup dirvish_show_metadata_and_persist
au FileType dirvish call s:auto_metadata()
augroup END
unlet! b:my_dirvish_last_line
sil! au! dirvish_show_metadata
sil! aug! dirvish_show_metadata
sil! au! dirvish_show_metadata_and_persist
sil! aug! dirvish_show_metadata_and_persist
let file = getline('.')
let file = substitute(file, '/$', '', '')
let metadata = expand('`ls -lhd --time-style=long-iso '.shellescape(file).'`')
let metadata = substitute(metadata, '\V'.escape(file, '\'), '', '')
echon metadata
let ftype = getftype(file)
if ftype !~# '^\Cfile$\|^dir$'
echohl WarningMsg
echon ' '.ftype
echohl NONE
fu! s:auto_metadata() abort
augroup dirvish_show_metadata
au! * <buffer>
au CursorMoved <buffer> if get(b:, 'my_dirvish_last_line', 0) !=# line('.')
\ | let b:my_dirvish_last_line = line('.')
\ | call my_dirvish#show_metadata('manual')
\ | endif
augroup END
It installs the !m
mapping which, when pressed, shows some metadata about the file/directory under the cursor.
does the same thing, but automatically as you move your cursor from a file to another.
If you press !M
again, the autocmd showing the metadata will be removed.
If you use Windows, you will need to replace this line:
let metadata = expand('`ls -lhd --time-style=long-iso '.shellescape(file).'`')
Because it uses the Linux $ ls
command, and I don't know what is the equivalent command on Windows, nor its syntax.
You may also need to replace this one:
let file = substitute(file, '/$', '', '')
" ^
Because it assumes that a forward slash is a separator between two path components.
You can get the output of a shell command with 3 Vim functions:
system('your shell cmd')
get(systemlist('your shell cmd'), 0, '')
expand('`your shell cmd`')
will return a string, but append a newline at the end.
won't, but will return a list (which may be empty, hence the use of get()
), every line being an item.
will return the same thing as system()
, without appending a newline at the end.
And you can get some metadata about a file with the getfperm()
, getfsize()
, getftype()
, getftime()
:echo getfperm(getline('.'))
:echo getfsize(getline('.'))
:echo getftype(getline('.'))
:echo strftime('%c', getftime(getline('.')))
They should give you, respectively, the permissions, the size, the type (file, directory, symlink, socket, ...) and the time of last modification of the path under the cursor.
See also :h strftime()
to format the time as you want.
If you need to support both environment (Linux + Windows), you can test it with these statements:
if has('unix')
if has('win32')
if has('win32unix')
if has('win64')
if has('win95')
See :h has()
and :h feature-list
for their meanings.
Just like what ranger does, file size , attributes and timestamps will be displayed in the command line.
Dirvish is great, but I always want to know the file size and modified time when I am using dirvish, any way to achieve this ?