justinmk / vim-dirvish

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preserve window height when 'winminheight' is 0 (follow-up) #150

Closed lacygoill closed 5 years ago

lacygoill commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry but the PR #149 I sent did not fix the reported issue entirely.

Here is another case where the height of the window is not preserved:

$ vim -Nu <(cat <<'EOF'
set wmh=0
set rtp^=~/.vim/plugged/vim-dirvish
au VimEnter * call Set_layout()
fu Set_layout()
    bo sp
    helpg foobar
    wincmd p|1wincmd w|2wincmd w
    wincmd _
    call win_execute(win_getid(3), 'resize 10')

From this layout, if :Dirvish is run, the height of the window decreases by 1.


The issue disappears if 1wincmd w|2wincmd w is removed; its purpose is to set the previous window. So I guess that the issue lies somewhere in the dirvish code which tries to preserve the number of the previous window.

It may seem as a contrived example, but I found it in a real usage scenario (using a plugin which automatically sets the height of entered windows).

The previous fix ran :resize +1 to increase the size of the window by 1; but this time, the lost line is above the window, not below. So, in this case, the right fix is :1resize 0.


All of this lead me to believe that :resize is unreliable/too complex to preserve the height of the dirvish window.

I think a simpler and more reliable way to preserve it, is to save the layout with winrestcmd(), then restore it with :exe at the end of s:bufwin_do(). Concretely, it would mean that this line:


would be replaced by:

let [curtab, curwin, curwinalt, curheight, curwidth, winrestcmd] = [tabpagenr(), winnr(), winnr('#'), winheight(0), winwidth(0), winrestcmd()]

And this line:



if (&winminheight == 0 && curheight != winheight(0)) || (&winminwidth == 0 && curwidth != winwidth(0))
  exe s:noau winrestcmd

These two changes fix the issue reported in the PR #149 and the one reported at the top of this post. They also fix the case of a window squashed vertically instead of horizontally ('winminwidth' set to 0), which the previous PR didn't.

There are two other pitfalls, one can be fixed, but not the other one. However, this is only an issue if s:bufwin_do() runs a command which changes the windows layout.

I've looked at the code, and s:bufwin_do() is not used to change the windows layout, but to save and restore the view in a window. So I think the function is not affected, and I did not try to fix the pitfalls to not overcomplicate the code for no immediate gain. Although, I did document them in a wrapper function I use to try to emulate win_execute() in Nvim.

Note that win_execute() is not affected by those pitfalls.

Also, since you said – in the PR #149 – that you were interested in using win_execute(), I thought it would be a good idea to give it a try.

Currently, s:bufwin_do() and s:tab_win_do() contain 23 lines of code. I think you could do without s:tab_win_do() and get the same result in only 1 line of code, using win_execute():

function! s:bufwin_do(cmd, bname) abort
  call map(filter(getwininfo(), {_,v -> a:bname ==# bufname(v.bufnr)}), {_,v -> win_execute(v.winid, s:noau.' '.a:cmd)})

Note that getwininfo() was added in 7.4.1557. As for lambda expressions, they were added in 7.4.2044. But these two versions are older than 8.1.1418 where win_execute() was added to Vim; so I think it's fair to assume that if someone has win_execute(), they also have getwininfo() and lambda expressions.

The refactoring is based on the old code of s:bufwin_do(): https://github.com/justinmk/vim-dirvish/commit/db33349b29250f4b31e172acd756ffe56db8fd38

Since then, the code has become more complex, but I think this complexity is not necessary when win_execute() is used. In particular, the previous command invoking win_execute() should only target windows whose buffer name is a:bname, so I don't think it could cause the screen to flicker or degrade the performance; although, I don't know how to test this properly.

I made sure that the PR fixes the two reported issues in Vim and in Nvim, but I haven't used it for very long (just a few days). So you may want to take your time before merging, in case you/I find other issues.

Whatever you don't like in the code, let me know and I will try to fix it.

justinmk commented 5 years ago

I think a simpler and more reliable way to preserve it, is to save the layout with winrestcmd(), then restore it with :exe at the end of s:bufwin_do().

Yeah, the reason I didn't use winrestcmd already is because it's janky. Need to think about this.

Thanks for your attention to detail!

justinmk commented 5 years ago

since the win_execute codepath is much nicer, I'm ok with the old codepath being hideous :)

lacygoill commented 4 years ago

I found another case where the height of an unfocused window is reset to 1; it only affects :windo, not win_execute().

I won't try to submit yet another PR to fix it because it seems pointless to continue playing whack-a-mole. Since the PR did add some ugly code, if you want to revert it, and just keep the win_execute() invocation, that's fine by me.

If someone else complains about this issue (doubtful, many other plugins suffer from the same issue, and I didn't find anyone complaining), you could always tell them to use a more recent version of (N)Vim; one which includes win_execute().

Anyway, thank you very much for merging the PR.