justinmk / vim-gtfo

Go to Terminal or File manager :point_right:
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[Windows] Shared folders. #20

Closed ReneFroger closed 10 years ago

ReneFroger commented 10 years ago

Nice plugin, thanks for sharing it with us!

Works fine on Windows. I noticed there are some minor issues when you're editing the files on shared directory/folders (if folders, they're mapped to a drive).

Then the plugin couldn't find the folder on shared directory which where the files are open in the Vim buffers. Instead, he decides to open the home folder (which is located on C:).

justinmk commented 10 years ago

I'll look into it, thanks for the report. Does it happen with both got and gof?

decides to open the home folder

That's what happens with start explorer ... has no idea where to go.

justinmk commented 10 years ago

gof seems to work fine with mapped drives and UNC paths. Are you using got? gvim, mintty, ...? Can you give an example absolute path that you are editing?

justinmk commented 10 years ago

Here's what I've found. Testing with:

  1. a mapped drive like S:\Users\foo
  2. a UNC path like \\corp.innotech\files\users\foo or \\\c$
    • In mintty/cygwin/babun, got and gof work fine.
    • in terminal Vim, gof works fine.
    • got at a UNC path (not a mapped network drive) has a problem:
CMD does not support UNC paths as current directories.

@ReneFroger Would still like to hear your scenario in case it is different than the notes I have collected. I have not found any problems with mapped drives but you seem to indicate here that you had a problem:

minor issues when you're editing the files on shared directory/folders (if folders, they're mapped to a drive).

ReneFroger commented 10 years ago

Sorry for my belated response. Busy with work. Thanks for your response.

Now I'm home. I use Gvim 7.4 32-bit under Windows x64-bit.

With got (Justin, how could you change the font/colors/everything for commands, to differentiate commands from regular text? I couldn't find it in the markdown manual). , I get Mingw32 opened (was installed earlier). With got, opens the correct directory /z/folder/.... With gof, he don't open the correct directory. Instead, he opens the default directory. That was it when I tried it on my work.

But now I'm home, I tried again on the shared folder that I use too on my work. Something weird happened. With gof he opened the correct directory.

The address path of the shared folder is d$ (\some-label-here), which is mapped to Z:.

I will try it tommorow when I'm back on my work, to be sure this is not a glitch.

ReneFroger commented 10 years ago

I still have the same problem on my work, the problem occurs not only on shared folders, but on local folders (not shared folders) too, like C:\example.

One thing is different from my home situation. Here we use Windows 7 32-bit. But I don't think it's gonna make any difference for the workings of this plugin.

Any tips?

justinmk commented 10 years ago

@ReneFroger What is the output of

:echo bufname("%")
:echo expand("%:p")

on a buffer where this occurs? Might be the same issue as #21.

ReneFroger commented 10 years ago

:echo bufname("%") gives me only the filename of the buffer: example.php. :echo expand("%:p") gives me the full path: Z:\websites\intranet-development\applications\my-application\test\core\php\example.php.

When I open both files in Windows Explorer, they appeared with same path as described above.

justinmk commented 10 years ago

The exact output is important, specifically, does it have double slashes \\ ?

ReneFroger commented 10 years ago

No, the path as echoed doesn't have any double slashes.

justinmk commented 10 years ago

@ReneFroger What is the output of:

verbose set shell

It would be helpful if you could add the following debugging line to vim-gtfo\autoload\gtfo\open.vim, in the func! gtfo#open#file(path) function, right after the elseif s:iswin condition:

  elseif s:iswin
    echom '!start explorer '.(l:validfile ? '/select,"'.l:path.'"' : l:dir)

Then what does it show for one of the paths for which you have this issue? (You can view the output using :mes command)

justinmk commented 10 years ago

Committed a change which may help. Can you try the latest?

ReneFroger commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your kind help, much appreciated! I downloaded your latest version. Which didn't help.

Then I edited func! gtfo#open#file(path), which is located on line118, with:

   elseif s:iswin
     echom '!start explorer '.(l:validfile ? '/select,"'.l:path.'"' : l:dir)

Nothing more. But the ':message' gives me no other information or output, than only Messages maintainer: Bram Moolenaar Bram@vim.org and the current filename that's opened. But I get that too, when I don't use gof command.

As the problem occurs too on non-shared folders, like files in my documents and this issue arise only on my work pc, I guess it had something to do with the path on these PC. At end of the day, I will make a screencast, if that may make things more clear.

justinmk commented 10 years ago

Then I edited func! gtfo#open#file(path),

Echom should print to :mes when you invoke gof. Did you restart vim first?

ReneFroger commented 10 years ago

I changed the following lines:

schermafdruk 2014-09-25 09 46 27

The selected rows are the lines that are changed. Then I saved it, restarted Vim. Then I open C:\Dropbox\Vim.vim\setup\general.vim with Unite.

I press gof, and get the folder My Documents instead. When I type :message, I get only this output. schermafdruk 2014-09-25 09 48 27

On my home, I have no issues with Gof on same directory. I find that weird.I suspect something inside my Vim setup is causing this, related to the work environment. I will test it again with empty Vimrc later, when I'm home again and then connect to my work pc. Thanks in advance for your help and patience!

justinmk commented 10 years ago

@ReneFroger We're close to a solution. What is the output of these commands:

:echo executable('cygstart')
:echo has('win32') || has('win64')
:echo &shell
ReneFroger commented 10 years ago

On home pc (Windows 7 x64, Gvim 7.4), where gof is working correctly,

:echo executable('cygstart') gives me 0. :echo has('win32') || has('win64') gives me 1. :echo &shell gives me C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe

On work pc (Windows 7 32 bit, x86, Gvim is identical, theyre stored in Dropbox) is not working correctly.

:echo executable('cygstart') gives me 1, which is differently. :echo has('win32') || has('win64') gives me 1. :echo &shell gives me C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe

justinmk commented 10 years ago

Yep, I didn't plan for executable('cygstart')==1 in gvim. I have a fix, will push by tomorrow.

ReneFroger commented 10 years ago

Great to know that there is a possible solution, will look foward to your fix!

Thanks a lot for all of your efforts for the Vim community, I donated some bitcoins too for Neovim development.

justinmk commented 10 years ago

@ReneFroger Should be fixed, let me know how it goes.

ReneFroger commented 10 years ago

Just tested the new version on my work... Great, it works perfectly!

Thanks for the support! And all the best.