justinreed23 / investingBackend

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Feedback on init proposal #1

Open donbowen opened 2 months ago

donbowen commented 2 months ago

@Danielshin2002 @MariaMaragkelli @justinreed23 @reghanhesser

Really nicely written! Gave you a 100. I have given you a lot of offline feedback (the most of any group), so I'm going to keep this brief and fast:

donbowen commented 2 months ago

Whoa! This is dangerous given your ETF choices: "We will drop all rows that are missing at least one ETF"

Think about it - one of your ETFs started in 2022, another just in 2018. So really you'd be doing this just on 2022-2024 data. My suggestion: replace those ETFs with longer lived ETFs or delete them.


donbowen commented 2 months ago

Your final dataframe won't have the real dates, it should have fictional dates, so I suggest it be month 0, 1, 2, .... 600.

Should the mock up have a savings rate? ($ per year or % of gross income?)

Should the output highlight also the line corresponding to the portfolio their risk aversion or whatever would suggest?

Nice mock up @Danielshin2002 @MariaMaragkelli @justinreed23 @reghanhesser