Closed mthaak closed 6 years ago
Thanks for reporting this.
Could you please paste a minimal working example of the code you ran to produce this error? Also, which version of windows did this happen on?
@mthaak I've added some code that potentially fixes the denied access issue, but I can't test it on Windows. Could you please uninstall scaper and install it again using pip (should be v0.1.0rc6), and then try your code again and report back on whether the issue has been addressed? Thanks.
@justinsalamon On Windows 10 (and installed with pip) it works now! Thank you!
Awesome, thanks for testing it out!
Elizabeth Mendoza is running into the exact same issue on her Windows 10 laptop. We're looking into this
@lostanlen I'm investigating a fix
great, thanks. I can try out the fix on Elizabeth's Windows machine as you as you have it, and give you feedback
@lostanlen cf. #30
It seems that on Windows Sox has trouble with temporary files due to permissions. Perhaps a parameter can be added to Scaper to set the temporary files folder. Sox has this option with the --temp argument.