justinstenning / Direct3DHook

DirectX Capture and Overlays by using Direct3D API hooks
MIT License
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Add Direct3D 12 / DX12 Support #46

Open andymanic opened 7 years ago

andymanic commented 7 years ago

This one is definitely an improvement/addition to be made, but I'd love to see this have DX12 support added. I know there is a SharpDX12 available so hopefully that is possible. I'm currently working around this project at the moment for my own, and need to impliment DX12 anyway so perhaps if I get it working I can send it over to try and help you. I'm certainly not knowledgeable enough to do it alone though.

justinstenning commented 7 years ago

@andymanic yes this has been on my list for a while also.

PourrezJ commented 4 years ago

Hello, is there any progress on this subject? Dx12 is more and more present and it is difficult to find are happiness on C#