justinstenning / Direct3DHook

DirectX Capture and Overlays by using Direct3D API hooks
MIT License
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Сhange of path *.dll #72

Open nAa6666 opened 5 years ago

nAa6666 commented 5 years ago

Good afternoon, tell me how I can change the path in the project, I need your library to be in the output, not in the root, but in some kind of folder, for example, "library".

I tried in visual studio to change the path of the compiler at the output, but at the same time I catch an error during the injection, since the file should be at the root of the project. https://prnt.sc/ou9yfk

And there is one more thing, if i compile your library in the "Release" mode, then after the injection the process is closed. If in "Debug" mode then everything is fine.
